"Famous Last Words" have bit me on the ass again! Here is the conversation I had last Thursday, while at the pediatric dentist with my three daughters:
Dentist: How has the girls' health been?
Me: Great! In fact, this has been our healthiest school year ever!
(It is noted here, that the dental hygienists and the dentist all immediately looked at me and said "Knock on wood!!"... to which I did, of course!"
Dentist: Did the girls get the flu shot?
Me: Just my asthma girl.
Dentist: I just heard yesterday that this year's flu shot is not working.
At this point, I am thinking back to how my youngest daughter was unusually crabby after school, and how she was saying that her body was achey. Since she didn't have a fever, I just figured she was tired and didn't want to go to the dentist ...
Fast forward 5 days ... and all three of my girls are home sick with the respiratory flu. In case any of you are wondering, I can tell you how this year's flu virus runs its course...you have 2 to 3 days of a fever (how high the fever goes depends on the child, my children's fevers ranged from highs of 102 to 104); after the fever, the child is weak for another day or two and a cough starts. And that is the stage I am currently at - day 5. What started with one kid spread to the other two kids three days later.
What began as our healthiest school year ever, ironically changed to become the first time in 12 years that I have had all 3 kids home at the same time, due to the same illness.
On the bright side, I no longer have to be dreading the flu hitting my household for the rest of this season!
Here's wishing you all a healthy and happy holiday season!
Motivational Moment:
Today's Moment is dedicated to my friend who passed away last week from ALS.
I was debating on whether or not I should change today's "Motivational Moment" Title to say "In Memoriam"; however, as I thought about it, I realized that this woman was indeed motivational. She faced a horrific, cruel disease with such courage and faith, that it can only be looked upon as inspirational. I am in awe of her character and fortitude. She is no longer a prisoner in her body to that devastating disease. I send her and her family love. She was truly a beautiful soul on the inside and out.
A blog about my personal observations of life, that may or may not motivate, inspire, or at the very least, humor you, while I work towards finding serenity.
with Life’s Little LaughablesⓇ
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Me, My Couch, and Half of My Life
As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently adopted an orphaned kitten. To make space for the kitten, I had to clean out the spare bedroom ... and because I cleaned out the spare bedroom, I had to have a garage sale. Yes, this is just like the children's book, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" (which is a very cute book by Laura Numeroff, if you have not had the pleasure of reading it); quite the cascade of events was caused by this kitten coming into our household. Anyways, because of the garage sale, I made a last minute decision to try and sell a 3-piece couch set that I have had for the last 20 years of my life (plus, I am ready for a new couch). Ironically, selling the couch inspired quite the nostalgia, and hence, this blog.
As I was thoroughly vacuuming the couch set to get it ready for its new home, it prompted memories of where this couch and I have been. (It is quite amazing how something like a piece of furniture can make you reminisce about your past.) When I first bought the couch set, I was 25 years-old, full of hope and excitement for my future, which was just about to take a giant leap into adulthood. I was engaged to be married and my fiance and I had just rented a brand new apartment with an awesome view of a river. I was so young and excited about life. The world was my oyster; there was so much I wanted to accomplish and experience; it was all so exciting and promising.
The couch set was very inexpensive, but I have to say, it has held up extremely well over the 20 years I have had it (if only the marriage had that longevity). But alas, that was not the case and by my first anniversary I was ready for a divorce. Hence, two years after bringing my new couch home, I moved it with me to a much older apartment, on the west side (from the east side), in a much less excited view of the world. In fact, the view at that time had been a stressful and depressed view; however, as I was still young, I was still hopeful and excited about a new start in life.
A couple of years later, my couch and I moved into our first home with a new fiance. This was not a new home, but it was thrilling none-the-less because we were now homeowners! A year and a half later, we welcomed twins into the world and three and a half years after that, we welcomed a third daughter. Due to more than doubling the size of our family, six years after buying our first home, we were ready to move into a bigger house back on the east side of town. So my couch made the exciting journey into a newer and bigger house with me and my family.
The past 20 years with this couch have seen me through early adulthood into middle adulthood (aka midlife ... which is a whole other topic ... who knew mid-life was the 40s...I always thought mid-life crises were for people in their mid-50s...but not so much with me.). As I was vacuuming the couch set, I thought back about the past 20 years and all that I have experienced; the roads taken and the roads not taken; the good and the bad; the ups and the downs. There have been many fun, wonderful, exciting times during those 20 years, as well as extremely difficult, stressful, and even depressing times. But it comes down to the fact that we only have one life to live and it is ours alone; no one else can live it for us; it is up to us to live a life that is true to us and lived to its fullest potential. I am working on that; I feel that I am not quite there, but am striving to live my best life and a life true to who I am.
As I have written this blog, I realize that every move I made with my couch, to a new residence, was a time of excitement and hope for a better future. I have no complaints. My life thus far has been a good one. I am blessed with three, smart, amazing, and beautiful daughters. I have a husband who is a wonderful father to those three girls. We all have our health. My mom lives nearby and loves my girls a ton; my two sisters are enjoying life in sunny Florida; I am blessed with many good friends and neighbors. So despite the fact that some days are hard, I truly realize how lucky I am to have made it 43 years with the health and life I have. Here's to another 40 years, with new experiences, new hopes, new dreams, and if I'm lucky, new dependable furniture. And to the new family that is now the owner of this couch set, I send them love and wonderful life experiences and many, many good years and memories with this couch! Without further ado, here is today's inspiration:
So little did I know what the journey of saying yes to a kitten was going to take me on.
Nostalgically Yours,
Motivational Moment:
Today was an unbelievably beautiful, fall day. The weather was a gorgeous 65 sunny degrees and the sky and fall foliage were perfect. Despite the fact that I had tons of household chores on my to-do list (including garage sale clean up!), I made a date with the park. My three daughters and I headed out to spend an hour basking in the glory of today. We walked the 2-mile circuit around the lake and also took the time to just sit on a bench and take in the beauty surrounding us. I know that winter will be here all too soon (and I will be in my house under a blanket trying to take off the chill); but for today, I am very happy to say that I seized the moment to stop and smell the roses. Here are a few pics from my walk:
As I was thoroughly vacuuming the couch set to get it ready for its new home, it prompted memories of where this couch and I have been. (It is quite amazing how something like a piece of furniture can make you reminisce about your past.) When I first bought the couch set, I was 25 years-old, full of hope and excitement for my future, which was just about to take a giant leap into adulthood. I was engaged to be married and my fiance and I had just rented a brand new apartment with an awesome view of a river. I was so young and excited about life. The world was my oyster; there was so much I wanted to accomplish and experience; it was all so exciting and promising.
The couch set was very inexpensive, but I have to say, it has held up extremely well over the 20 years I have had it (if only the marriage had that longevity). But alas, that was not the case and by my first anniversary I was ready for a divorce. Hence, two years after bringing my new couch home, I moved it with me to a much older apartment, on the west side (from the east side), in a much less excited view of the world. In fact, the view at that time had been a stressful and depressed view; however, as I was still young, I was still hopeful and excited about a new start in life.
A couple of years later, my couch and I moved into our first home with a new fiance. This was not a new home, but it was thrilling none-the-less because we were now homeowners! A year and a half later, we welcomed twins into the world and three and a half years after that, we welcomed a third daughter. Due to more than doubling the size of our family, six years after buying our first home, we were ready to move into a bigger house back on the east side of town. So my couch made the exciting journey into a newer and bigger house with me and my family.
The past 20 years with this couch have seen me through early adulthood into middle adulthood (aka midlife ... which is a whole other topic ... who knew mid-life was the 40s...I always thought mid-life crises were for people in their mid-50s...but not so much with me.). As I was vacuuming the couch set, I thought back about the past 20 years and all that I have experienced; the roads taken and the roads not taken; the good and the bad; the ups and the downs. There have been many fun, wonderful, exciting times during those 20 years, as well as extremely difficult, stressful, and even depressing times. But it comes down to the fact that we only have one life to live and it is ours alone; no one else can live it for us; it is up to us to live a life that is true to us and lived to its fullest potential. I am working on that; I feel that I am not quite there, but am striving to live my best life and a life true to who I am.
As I have written this blog, I realize that every move I made with my couch, to a new residence, was a time of excitement and hope for a better future. I have no complaints. My life thus far has been a good one. I am blessed with three, smart, amazing, and beautiful daughters. I have a husband who is a wonderful father to those three girls. We all have our health. My mom lives nearby and loves my girls a ton; my two sisters are enjoying life in sunny Florida; I am blessed with many good friends and neighbors. So despite the fact that some days are hard, I truly realize how lucky I am to have made it 43 years with the health and life I have. Here's to another 40 years, with new experiences, new hopes, new dreams, and if I'm lucky, new dependable furniture. And to the new family that is now the owner of this couch set, I send them love and wonderful life experiences and many, many good years and memories with this couch! Without further ado, here is today's inspiration:
![]() |
The couch that talked without saying a word. |
So little did I know what the journey of saying yes to a kitten was going to take me on.
Nostalgically Yours,
Motivational Moment:
Today was an unbelievably beautiful, fall day. The weather was a gorgeous 65 sunny degrees and the sky and fall foliage were perfect. Despite the fact that I had tons of household chores on my to-do list (including garage sale clean up!), I made a date with the park. My three daughters and I headed out to spend an hour basking in the glory of today. We walked the 2-mile circuit around the lake and also took the time to just sit on a bench and take in the beauty surrounding us. I know that winter will be here all too soon (and I will be in my house under a blanket trying to take off the chill); but for today, I am very happy to say that I seized the moment to stop and smell the roses. Here are a few pics from my walk:
Wishing you beautiful days and time to enjoy them.
Monday, September 29, 2014
All You can Do Is Laugh
Today's blog is dedicated to some of my recent Life’s Little LaughablesTM
because sometimes all you can do is laugh - and hey - it's even healthy for your body and mind.
One week ago, I made the impulsive decision to add a 2nd cat to our household; this one in the form of a 1.25lb, 5-week-old kitten. Her coloring melted my heart and I had to have her (Oh - if only she had been a plain, boring, solid color.):
The first four Laughables are dedicated to her:
1. We were discussing possible names for the kitten, and I said: "We should call her Trouble with a capital T." And daughter B responds: "ALL names are spelled with a capital letter at the beginning!" (Can you see her eyes rolling and hear her sigh when you read that?)
2. Whack-A-Mole. When I was at the pet store picking up kitten items, I saw a cardboard box with big holes in it for play time. Rather than buying a cardboard box, I decided to cut a doorway on each side of one I had at home. This was a big hit for both the kitten and the 4 year-old cat that we have. It was particularly hilarious watching them play the Whack-A-Mole game. The kitten was inside of the box and the cat was outside of the box. All of a sudden, the kitten starts popping her head in and out of the box, at a very fast rate, and the cat was sitting there with his paw up in the air ready to whack the kitten's head. (And no - the kitten was not injured in the least people.)
3. This next one I am writing in the hopes that I will soon look back on this and laugh and be thankful it was short-lived: apparently kittens are NOT born with the innate ability to cover their litter box items effectively. She has fallen in it, stepped in it, tracked it around the room, thrown it against the wall ... she has yet to get down the clean and tidy way of covering it, without getting it on her.
4. Another joy of getting a baby kitten that was stranded in the wild by her mother - worms. I am told it is quite common for kittens and puppies to have worms and that it typically takes at least two treatments before the worms are all gone. This is just great news for me and my husband (whom I have turned into quite the germ-a-phobe); so we wash our hands a thousand times a day and just feel that there are worms all over us. The other night daughter B was giving me a hug at bed time and I yelled out: "Ack! Your face is where the kitten was!" to which she replied: "Yuk! I feel all wormy now!".
And now on to non-kitten Laughables:
5. The other day my 12 year-old was doing her homework when she excitedly exclaimed: "I LOVE how the abbreviation for Miles Per Hour is M.P.H. (which she pronounced as Mmmph)!".
6. Apparently the result of a few too many tequila shots for my husband is him being unaware that mosquitoes are feasting on him:
because sometimes all you can do is laugh - and hey - it's even healthy for your body and mind.
One week ago, I made the impulsive decision to add a 2nd cat to our household; this one in the form of a 1.25lb, 5-week-old kitten. Her coloring melted my heart and I had to have her (Oh - if only she had been a plain, boring, solid color.):
![]() |
So deceptively innocent |
1. We were discussing possible names for the kitten, and I said: "We should call her Trouble with a capital T." And daughter B responds: "ALL names are spelled with a capital letter at the beginning!" (Can you see her eyes rolling and hear her sigh when you read that?)
2. Whack-A-Mole. When I was at the pet store picking up kitten items, I saw a cardboard box with big holes in it for play time. Rather than buying a cardboard box, I decided to cut a doorway on each side of one I had at home. This was a big hit for both the kitten and the 4 year-old cat that we have. It was particularly hilarious watching them play the Whack-A-Mole game. The kitten was inside of the box and the cat was outside of the box. All of a sudden, the kitten starts popping her head in and out of the box, at a very fast rate, and the cat was sitting there with his paw up in the air ready to whack the kitten's head. (And no - the kitten was not injured in the least people.)
3. This next one I am writing in the hopes that I will soon look back on this and laugh and be thankful it was short-lived: apparently kittens are NOT born with the innate ability to cover their litter box items effectively. She has fallen in it, stepped in it, tracked it around the room, thrown it against the wall ... she has yet to get down the clean and tidy way of covering it, without getting it on her.
4. Another joy of getting a baby kitten that was stranded in the wild by her mother - worms. I am told it is quite common for kittens and puppies to have worms and that it typically takes at least two treatments before the worms are all gone. This is just great news for me and my husband (whom I have turned into quite the germ-a-phobe); so we wash our hands a thousand times a day and just feel that there are worms all over us. The other night daughter B was giving me a hug at bed time and I yelled out: "Ack! Your face is where the kitten was!" to which she replied: "Yuk! I feel all wormy now!".
And now on to non-kitten Laughables:
5. The other day my 12 year-old was doing her homework when she excitedly exclaimed: "I LOVE how the abbreviation for Miles Per Hour is M.P.H. (which she pronounced as Mmmph)!".
6. Apparently the result of a few too many tequila shots for my husband is him being unaware that mosquitoes are feasting on him:
7. As I was writing this blog, my sister, who is an attorney, and who is very smart (and very good at arguing, I might add) called me to share what she just did. She was running out to her car in a parking lot and there was a torrential rainfall, so she runs up to a 4-door black sedan and opens the door and then realizes it's not her car. She then proceeds to tell me she has done this before. Lesson learned here: one may be very smart at some things and not so brilliant - or even observant - at other things. (Love you sis!)
8. I currently am battling carpenter ants in my kitchen. After fighting them for two months, I surrendered and called pest control. The down side is that it will take up to three weeks for the poison to get back to the colony and kill the queen (I am just through week one). Apparently, the scoundrels are living somewhere either in the wall behind my stove or in the ground below my stove (which in and of itself is extremely disturbing to my psyche), because twice now, I have had the extreme displeasure of cooking on the stove, while the oven is also on, and have had to kill at least 20 ants over the course of the hour. The problem is that I HATE bugs. Particularly fast-crawling things that I have to smush.
Here is a description of my experience:
Large ant darts across counter ... I scream.
I rush to grab a paper-towel and attempt to smush the rotten intruder ... I scream.
Said intruder darts out from under my paper-towel ... I scream.
I hurry and smush him dead ... I scream.
One would think one would get accustomed to bug killing... *SIGH*
Laughingly Shaking My Head,
Motivational Moment:
Laugh people! For Pete's sake, this is the only life you have, you might as well enjoy the crazy ride!
Here's wishing you lots of laughter today!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Big Picture
The past couple of weeks have been difficult ones for me because my joint pain has been particularly bad and unrelenting. At times like this, it amazes me how easily I get pulled into the misery of the moment and lose all sight of the bigger picture of life. During these times, I tend to think deeply about life and its meaning and purpose (or shall I say, I tend to struggle more with those thoughts). And then I come across a quote, or a movie, or a book, that provides such hope that it almost is a lifeline during dark times.
My best friend recommended a movie to me. As I was watching the first half of this movie, I was questioning why he recommended it for me, as I saw it as somewhat violent and dark. And then I got to the end of the movie. The final thoughts that were voiced tied it all together so beautifully and were so poignant that they really resonated with me. The move was a "Winter's Tale" and here are the final quotes from the movie:
I love the hope and beauty that those thoughts inspire. It makes the troubles and stress of your current life seem small. They promise a greater purpose that makes it all worthwhile. I find them very comforting and encouraging.
Searching for that Greater Purpose,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM and is dedicated to daughter B (age 12), who is a very sweet and tender-hearted child and who simply loves walking around the backyard, discovering nature...and bugs...and animals. Here is what she said to me yesterday:
Her: "Did I tell you that I walked through a giant web in the backyard yesterday?"
Me: LOL. "NO! Yuk!"
Her: "It was between a bush against our house and the swing set and it was the size of my entire body. And it was REALLY hard trying to pick it off my skin and shirt; that stuff really sticks."
Me: (At this point, I have the TOTAL heebee jeebies - and if that were me, I would have been freaking out wondering WHERE, exactly, the spider was that made that giant web ... and particularly, was it ON me), but instead, she simply said:
Her: "I felt SO bad because that was A LOT of work I just ruined."
May you all have tender-hearted moments that make your heart melt. SG
My best friend recommended a movie to me. As I was watching the first half of this movie, I was questioning why he recommended it for me, as I saw it as somewhat violent and dark. And then I got to the end of the movie. The final thoughts that were voiced tied it all together so beautifully and were so poignant that they really resonated with me. The move was a "Winter's Tale" and here are the final quotes from the movie:
- "What if we
are all unique and the universe loves us all equally, so much so that it bends
over backwards across the centuries for each and every one of us and sometimes
we are just lucky enough to see it."
- "No life is more important than another and
nothing has been without purpose.
Nothing. What if we are all part
of a great pattern that we may someday understand? And one day, when we have done what we alone
are capable of doing, we get to rise up and reunite with those we have loved
the most? Forever embraced. What if we get to become stars?!"
I love the hope and beauty that those thoughts inspire. It makes the troubles and stress of your current life seem small. They promise a greater purpose that makes it all worthwhile. I find them very comforting and encouraging.
Searching for that Greater Purpose,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM and is dedicated to daughter B (age 12), who is a very sweet and tender-hearted child and who simply loves walking around the backyard, discovering nature...and bugs...and animals. Here is what she said to me yesterday:
Her: "Did I tell you that I walked through a giant web in the backyard yesterday?"
Me: LOL. "NO! Yuk!"
Her: "It was between a bush against our house and the swing set and it was the size of my entire body. And it was REALLY hard trying to pick it off my skin and shirt; that stuff really sticks."
Me: (At this point, I have the TOTAL heebee jeebies - and if that were me, I would have been freaking out wondering WHERE, exactly, the spider was that made that giant web ... and particularly, was it ON me), but instead, she simply said:
Her: "I felt SO bad because that was A LOT of work I just ruined."
May you all have tender-hearted moments that make your heart melt. SG
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Back to School Time...Again
Well, this seems to be a recurring time of year for me to post; apparently changes in schedule, or more so, changes that mark the passage of time, cause me to ponder life.
The summer is over and my daughters are entering a new school year; I can't believe how the years have flown. It seems like just yesterday, I was exhausted and overwhelmed with two newborn babies, and now 12 years have passed. There is a quote I have seen a lot lately that is so fitting to these feelings: "The days go slow but the years go fast." So very true! (I was unable to find the originator of the quote; however I came across this poem containing the quote and it resonated with today's blog: Walter Erickson Blog )
What shocked me about this year, is that I am not my typical, stressed-out-freak self, like I normally am at this time of year. I find that odd. I must be getting old.
Rather than cramming in back-to-school shopping the weekend before school starts (when there are barely any supplies left on the shelves), I actually went shopping the first weekend in August. Crazy organized for me - I know!
I have recently begun to take the first and last days of school off from work so that I can celebrate at the morning and afternoon bus stops with my girls; marking this passage of time; noting its fleeting spotlight in the sun. I would like to say that I cherish these rare days off and lounge around while the girls are at school, curling up with a good book or napping or some sort of leisure activity; however that is not how it ever plays out. I did a couple of loads of laundry and dishes and went grocery shopping...such are the deeds of a domestic goddess Oh, and I also cleaned out a bowl of candy that was sitting on my counter and found this:
Yes folks, it is sad when you have Christmas candy still hanging around in August! *Sigh* Still working on earning that Domestic Goddess title.
I will note that I experienced that human folly of emotion called jealousy - or even envy - on this special day off of mine. As I was returning from grocery shopping, I happen to pass the local coffee shop and saw a bunch of moms hanging out and laughing. Here I was, feeling proud of all I had accomplished during my 6 hours of alone time and then ...Wham! ... envy hits me. I know I should be above this; in fact jealousy and envy are quite the stupid emotions to have because of course no one truly has it easy, and you never know what battles someone is facing. But of course, in MY mind, these four women had quite the charmed life ... I was picturing them as stay-at-home moms who were celebrating their returned freedom and alone time now that their kids were back in school. However, in reality, who knows what trials they face. I am glad they took the time to celebrate their moment with their friends. Go away Green-Eyed Monster, you are a waste of my precious time.
I wish all of the kids going back to school a good, successful, enjoyable school year. I wish all of the parents out there some time for peace and quality time for themselves.
Still Working On My Domestic Goddess status as well as Seizing the Moment,
Motivational Moment:
I have three, very varied, motivational moments for today:
1. On a light-hearted and happy note, my Dinner Plate Hibiscus has bloomed:
How cool are these flowers?! I just love how big they get and how they are so colorful!
2. On a fun note, I really like Taylor Swift's new song and video, Shake It Off. So true that Haters are gonna hate and you need to shake it off and just be you. Shake It Off Video
3. On a very deep and emotional level, here is the heart-breaking story of Anthony Carbajal, who is currently going through his ALS battle and helping care for his mom who also has it. Anthony's website
- Anthony - what an awesome video you made for "Kiss My ALS" and the ice bucket challenge!
- Sending a shout out of love for our friend Brenda, and her family, who are currently going thru her battle with ALS.
Peace, Love, and Hugs!
The summer is over and my daughters are entering a new school year; I can't believe how the years have flown. It seems like just yesterday, I was exhausted and overwhelmed with two newborn babies, and now 12 years have passed. There is a quote I have seen a lot lately that is so fitting to these feelings: "The days go slow but the years go fast." So very true! (I was unable to find the originator of the quote; however I came across this poem containing the quote and it resonated with today's blog: Walter Erickson Blog )
What shocked me about this year, is that I am not my typical, stressed-out-freak self, like I normally am at this time of year. I find that odd. I must be getting old.
Rather than cramming in back-to-school shopping the weekend before school starts (when there are barely any supplies left on the shelves), I actually went shopping the first weekend in August. Crazy organized for me - I know!
I have recently begun to take the first and last days of school off from work so that I can celebrate at the morning and afternoon bus stops with my girls; marking this passage of time; noting its fleeting spotlight in the sun. I would like to say that I cherish these rare days off and lounge around while the girls are at school, curling up with a good book or napping or some sort of leisure activity; however that is not how it ever plays out. I did a couple of loads of laundry and dishes and went grocery shopping...such are the deeds of a domestic goddess Oh, and I also cleaned out a bowl of candy that was sitting on my counter and found this:
Yes folks, it is sad when you have Christmas candy still hanging around in August! *Sigh* Still working on earning that Domestic Goddess title.
I will note that I experienced that human folly of emotion called jealousy - or even envy - on this special day off of mine. As I was returning from grocery shopping, I happen to pass the local coffee shop and saw a bunch of moms hanging out and laughing. Here I was, feeling proud of all I had accomplished during my 6 hours of alone time and then ...Wham! ... envy hits me. I know I should be above this; in fact jealousy and envy are quite the stupid emotions to have because of course no one truly has it easy, and you never know what battles someone is facing. But of course, in MY mind, these four women had quite the charmed life ... I was picturing them as stay-at-home moms who were celebrating their returned freedom and alone time now that their kids were back in school. However, in reality, who knows what trials they face. I am glad they took the time to celebrate their moment with their friends. Go away Green-Eyed Monster, you are a waste of my precious time.
I wish all of the kids going back to school a good, successful, enjoyable school year. I wish all of the parents out there some time for peace and quality time for themselves.
Still Working On My Domestic Goddess status as well as Seizing the Moment,
Motivational Moment:
I have three, very varied, motivational moments for today:
1. On a light-hearted and happy note, my Dinner Plate Hibiscus has bloomed:
How cool are these flowers?! I just love how big they get and how they are so colorful!
2. On a fun note, I really like Taylor Swift's new song and video, Shake It Off. So true that Haters are gonna hate and you need to shake it off and just be you. Shake It Off Video
3. On a very deep and emotional level, here is the heart-breaking story of Anthony Carbajal, who is currently going through his ALS battle and helping care for his mom who also has it. Anthony's website
- Anthony - what an awesome video you made for "Kiss My ALS" and the ice bucket challenge!
- Sending a shout out of love for our friend Brenda, and her family, who are currently going thru her battle with ALS.
Peace, Love, and Hugs!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Birthday Bliss
A familiar theme of mine is to pamper yourself whenever possible. Life is hard; life is short; you deserve it!
With that said, last week was my birthday. And I decided that another rule of mine is to NOT work on my birthday. So I took the day off and filled it with some of my favorite things!
I started the day off with a massage. As I have talked about numerous times before, for me, there is no greater relaxation than a massage. It is the ultimate escape for an anxious stress freak, such as myself.
Thank you, Alison, for my perfect massage on my birthday!
Hubby sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers:
Thank you, hubby, for my flowers. I love them!
And a homemade bouquet from daughter B:
Thank you, my creative daughter! I love it!
Next up was a shopping trip to Barnes and Noble with my three daughters. They have a love of reading which they picked up from their grandmother and me. I love the escape that books offer. And my one daughter is absolutely addicted to books; she would be happy if she could read all day, every day, and not have to do anything else.
Here we are at Barnes and Noble. I absolutely love this bookstore, not only for all of their books, but also for all of the inspirational gift items. I am a lover of quotes, and Barnes and Noble has many, amazing quotes printed on magnets, plaques, and bookmarks. *sigh*
Next on the agenda was dinner with my mom, followed by dessert at a yogurt place. After pigging out for two hours, we finally headed home at 8:30 pm. Unexpectedly, my two neighbors were there waiting for us with cupcakes and ice cream! And yes, we all proceeded to have a second dessert...it was a celebration after all!
Officially Another Year Older,
Motivational Moment:
Today's moment is one of Life’s Little LaughablesTM:
The following conversation occurred the day after my birthday with a friend from work:
Me: I strongly believe in spoiling yourself on your birthday and doing something you enjoy. What is that saying ...?
Her (excitedly yelling as if she were on a game show): KICK THE BUCKET?!!
Me: NO! That is NOT what I was thinking. I do NOT want to "Kick the Bucket", particularly ON my birthday. I was thinking more along the lines of "Seize the Day" and checking things off of my bucket list on my birthday. But thank you VERY much for your suggestion.
Make it a point to pamper yourself whenever you can, even it is something small and quick, like sharing a laugh with a friend. And always take care of you.
Peace and Love,
With that said, last week was my birthday. And I decided that another rule of mine is to NOT work on my birthday. So I took the day off and filled it with some of my favorite things!
I started the day off with a massage. As I have talked about numerous times before, for me, there is no greater relaxation than a massage. It is the ultimate escape for an anxious stress freak, such as myself.
Thank you, Alison, for my perfect massage on my birthday!
Hubby sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers:
Thank you, hubby, for my flowers. I love them!
And a homemade bouquet from daughter B:
Thank you, my creative daughter! I love it!
Next up was a shopping trip to Barnes and Noble with my three daughters. They have a love of reading which they picked up from their grandmother and me. I love the escape that books offer. And my one daughter is absolutely addicted to books; she would be happy if she could read all day, every day, and not have to do anything else.
Here we are at Barnes and Noble. I absolutely love this bookstore, not only for all of their books, but also for all of the inspirational gift items. I am a lover of quotes, and Barnes and Noble has many, amazing quotes printed on magnets, plaques, and bookmarks. *sigh*
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My favorite genre - Romance, of course! |
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My youngest enjoying the children's section. |
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My older two checking out some games (my book lover already has 4 books picked out). |
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Delicious gluten free cupcakes from Trader Joe's! |
Officially Another Year Older,
Motivational Moment:
Today's moment is one of Life’s Little LaughablesTM:
The following conversation occurred the day after my birthday with a friend from work:
Me: I strongly believe in spoiling yourself on your birthday and doing something you enjoy. What is that saying ...?
Her (excitedly yelling as if she were on a game show): KICK THE BUCKET?!!
Me: NO! That is NOT what I was thinking. I do NOT want to "Kick the Bucket", particularly ON my birthday. I was thinking more along the lines of "Seize the Day" and checking things off of my bucket list on my birthday. But thank you VERY much for your suggestion.
Make it a point to pamper yourself whenever you can, even it is something small and quick, like sharing a laugh with a friend. And always take care of you.
Peace and Love,
Friday, July 4, 2014
A Beautiful Day
Today ended up being my perfect kind of day. (I love it when days end up exceeding expectations...I think the key here, is that I really didn't have any expectations...or big plans.) The 4th of July is definitely becoming my favorite holiday. A day off from work. Leisurely hanging with the family. Weather was mild and pleasant: temperatures in the 70s, beautiful sunshine, light breeze, gorgeous sky. My idea of perfect weather.
I live in a small town that has a 4th of July parade in the morning followed by a festival in town. Then we go back home and just relax for the middle part of the day. We have the parents over for dinner (grilled hamburgers and hot dogs) and then we end our day with fireworks.
There was a beautiful sunset...
and an awesome fireworks display.
Enjoying the Moment,
Motivational Moment:
Life is what happens in between our plans. May you enjoy your downtime.
I live in a small town that has a 4th of July parade in the morning followed by a festival in town. Then we go back home and just relax for the middle part of the day. We have the parents over for dinner (grilled hamburgers and hot dogs) and then we end our day with fireworks.
There was a beautiful sunset...
and an awesome fireworks display.
Enjoying the Moment,
Motivational Moment:
Life is what happens in between our plans. May you enjoy your downtime.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Daughters, Books, and Quotes
It's all relativity folks. When I looked at my last post, which was over a month ago, I laughed since I thought I had it bad in the month of April. The month of April was just a really, crazy, busy time at work. The month of May was much more damaging to my psyche. (And let's not forget that the month of May is a notoriously bad month for me, as described here: End of School Year Insanity Link.) But this past month of May added fuel to the already raging fire. I was hit with two big surprises at work, at the same time, and let's just say they were not of the good kind. And then last week, we had a tragedy of the purest sense: a co-worker died in a motorcycle accident. He was a very kind man, a very hard worker, and he will be greatly missed.
Moving on to a much lighter topic than death (which, isn't pretty much everything a lighter topic than death), I wasn't feeling well this morning (lingering stomach flu issues); I actually cancelled my massage, which is shocking in and of itself. I spent most of the day laying around reading a book that my twelve-year-old daughter highly recommended: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is a fiction book, (which the author emphatically states a couple of different times) about kids with cancer. As you can expect, I sobbed several times during this book, but the book is written very well (obviously, since a movie was made from it). Reading this book prompted two blog-worthy notes (well actually there are many topics I could delve into from reading this book); however here are today's two:
1. I truly love the fact that I have a twelve-year-old daughter who is recommending books to me, and I actually, really like them. They have deep meanings, fabulous quotes about life (and I love quotes!), enjoyable sarcasm and wit, and are just wonderful reads. It was a moment of pure enjoyment for me. I am seizing the day and enjoying this time in my life with my daughters.
2. The second reason was a quote in the book that I just loved! "What a slut time is. She screws everybody." True. So very true. (I could also add that Death is a Bitch!) One of my family's favorite TV sitcoms, The Middle, also had a quote about time that resonates: "The days go by slow, but the year's fly by." There never seems to be enough hours in a day. Ever. And Death just pretty much sucks. Enough said.
Ever the Optimist,
Motivational Moment:
Alright, so I have to turn the negativity around from my 'time and death rant', so here goes:
May you enjoy the time you have here on earth. May you find little things - or big things - that make you laugh or smile every day. May you enjoy the special moments that each season of your life brings you.
Peace and Love,
Moving on to a much lighter topic than death (which, isn't pretty much everything a lighter topic than death), I wasn't feeling well this morning (lingering stomach flu issues); I actually cancelled my massage, which is shocking in and of itself. I spent most of the day laying around reading a book that my twelve-year-old daughter highly recommended: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is a fiction book, (which the author emphatically states a couple of different times) about kids with cancer. As you can expect, I sobbed several times during this book, but the book is written very well (obviously, since a movie was made from it). Reading this book prompted two blog-worthy notes (well actually there are many topics I could delve into from reading this book); however here are today's two:
1. I truly love the fact that I have a twelve-year-old daughter who is recommending books to me, and I actually, really like them. They have deep meanings, fabulous quotes about life (and I love quotes!), enjoyable sarcasm and wit, and are just wonderful reads. It was a moment of pure enjoyment for me. I am seizing the day and enjoying this time in my life with my daughters.
2. The second reason was a quote in the book that I just loved! "What a slut time is. She screws everybody." True. So very true. (I could also add that Death is a Bitch!) One of my family's favorite TV sitcoms, The Middle, also had a quote about time that resonates: "The days go by slow, but the year's fly by." There never seems to be enough hours in a day. Ever. And Death just pretty much sucks. Enough said.
Ever the Optimist,
Motivational Moment:
Alright, so I have to turn the negativity around from my 'time and death rant', so here goes:
May you enjoy the time you have here on earth. May you find little things - or big things - that make you laugh or smile every day. May you enjoy the special moments that each season of your life brings you.
Peace and Love,
Monday, April 21, 2014
Unexpected Beauty
This past Saturday, I was having a crabby morning, coming off of a crappy week. Not only is work crazy for me this month, but I had to go to an earlier shift (since hubby got a new job) and trust me when I tell you that I am NOT a morning person. And on top of all of that (or perhaps because of all of that) my joint pain has been very bad. I know, blah, blah, blah...we all have our trials in life. But humor me and allow me to call the month of April my Perfect Storm for stress. With that said, I am still able to enjoy simple beauty that is around me. I had to share my unexpected beauty of Saturday afternoon, which also brought to mind two other simple beauties I felt were blog-worthy.
Saturday, I had a massage scheduled for 12:30pm. (I know - rough life! But I always encourage all people to indulge in what brings them bliss, as much as they can, for their time here on earth!). As I was saying, I was heading to the massage in a crabby mood (hubby and I were in a disagreement over a movie that he thought was acceptable for our children to watch and to which I couldn't have disagreed with more.). But as I arrived at the spa, I remembered that I had referred a co-worker (I shall call him Kurt for this blog) to my masseuse (Alison) and he happened to have the appointment before me. When I walked in, I saw Kurt right away and asked him how he liked his massage. He said he loved it and would definitely be coming back again. This made me so happy since he had previously checked out a place I had recommended about 6 months earlier and did not have good luck. He, unfortunately, had a 19-year-old girl who was very new to her position and was not at all versed in the fine arts of massage. I was worried that his first experience would scare him off massages (which I, of course, adore), but I am happy to say that he was willing to try another place. So when he said he loved his massage and that Alison had done a great job, I was very happy. This is not, however, the unexpected moment of beauty that I experienced that day.
Apparently, when Kurt was checking out, he had asked Alison which of the products I liked that they sell. So she pointed him to one of my favorite Aveda lotions and he bought me one. He then had them give me my unexpected gift at the end of my massage. When Alison handed me the gift bag and told me it was from Kurt, it melted my heart. I do not know Kurt very well. We are more like work acquaintances then close friends. So the fact that he would buy me such an extravagant gift just for simply referring him to my masseuse, left me speechless and humbled. He not only made my day, but he turned around my crappy day with his completely unexpected, but thoughtfully beautiful gift. It put me into such a grateful and happy mood, that it immediately made me think of two other people who I thought were beautiful.
The first one is another co-worker, who had just turned in her resignation at work. I talked with her to see what was going on and I ended up being humbled by her leap of faith as well as her love and dedication as a mom. She has three children who all have different levels of ADD and one who also has OCD. This child seemed to be struggling a lot lately and his doctor mentioned that home life has to be calm, consistent, and schedule-driven. The doctor also said that children struggle more with maternal stress than paternal stress; she knew right then and there that she needed to quit her job and stay home with her kids. I find her actions beautiful, full of love, and a complete leap of faith. And I wish her and her family the absolute best in life.
The second observation was about my 52 year-old male friend. He is married with a 17 year-old son. This is not the demographic of a person whom you would think would want to watch the animated movie "Frozen". Not only did he watch the movie on his own accord, he actually enjoyed the movie. His exact words were: "Fantasy, magic, adventure, love...all the things in the books I read. Such a great movie!" I found this entire thing to be very cool. Not only is he comfortable enough in his manhood to rent such a movie for himself, but he has such a depth of character to actually, truly, enjoy such a movie (and readily admit it!). It's a beautiful thing. (By the way, if you haven't yet seen Frozen, my three daughters and I absolutely love it!)
Enjoying the Beauty Along the Way,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Mo Moment is another of Life’s Little LaughablesTM :
We were watching a comedy the other night and the term "lingerie" was mentioned a couple of times. My twelve-year-old asked me why they were pronouncing that word wrong. So I asked her what word she was talking about. And she said: "laundry". I laughed, but I could understand how she could make that connection. The word "lingerie" does sound as if you are separating out the word "laundry". What was not fun was trying to explain what lingerie was. I think I would have preferred just letting her think they were mispronouncing "laundry". ;)
May you find beauty in unexpected places each day! ~SG
Saturday, I had a massage scheduled for 12:30pm. (I know - rough life! But I always encourage all people to indulge in what brings them bliss, as much as they can, for their time here on earth!). As I was saying, I was heading to the massage in a crabby mood (hubby and I were in a disagreement over a movie that he thought was acceptable for our children to watch and to which I couldn't have disagreed with more.). But as I arrived at the spa, I remembered that I had referred a co-worker (I shall call him Kurt for this blog) to my masseuse (Alison) and he happened to have the appointment before me. When I walked in, I saw Kurt right away and asked him how he liked his massage. He said he loved it and would definitely be coming back again. This made me so happy since he had previously checked out a place I had recommended about 6 months earlier and did not have good luck. He, unfortunately, had a 19-year-old girl who was very new to her position and was not at all versed in the fine arts of massage. I was worried that his first experience would scare him off massages (which I, of course, adore), but I am happy to say that he was willing to try another place. So when he said he loved his massage and that Alison had done a great job, I was very happy. This is not, however, the unexpected moment of beauty that I experienced that day.
Apparently, when Kurt was checking out, he had asked Alison which of the products I liked that they sell. So she pointed him to one of my favorite Aveda lotions and he bought me one. He then had them give me my unexpected gift at the end of my massage. When Alison handed me the gift bag and told me it was from Kurt, it melted my heart. I do not know Kurt very well. We are more like work acquaintances then close friends. So the fact that he would buy me such an extravagant gift just for simply referring him to my masseuse, left me speechless and humbled. He not only made my day, but he turned around my crappy day with his completely unexpected, but thoughtfully beautiful gift. It put me into such a grateful and happy mood, that it immediately made me think of two other people who I thought were beautiful.
The first one is another co-worker, who had just turned in her resignation at work. I talked with her to see what was going on and I ended up being humbled by her leap of faith as well as her love and dedication as a mom. She has three children who all have different levels of ADD and one who also has OCD. This child seemed to be struggling a lot lately and his doctor mentioned that home life has to be calm, consistent, and schedule-driven. The doctor also said that children struggle more with maternal stress than paternal stress; she knew right then and there that she needed to quit her job and stay home with her kids. I find her actions beautiful, full of love, and a complete leap of faith. And I wish her and her family the absolute best in life.
The second observation was about my 52 year-old male friend. He is married with a 17 year-old son. This is not the demographic of a person whom you would think would want to watch the animated movie "Frozen". Not only did he watch the movie on his own accord, he actually enjoyed the movie. His exact words were: "Fantasy, magic, adventure, love...all the things in the books I read. Such a great movie!" I found this entire thing to be very cool. Not only is he comfortable enough in his manhood to rent such a movie for himself, but he has such a depth of character to actually, truly, enjoy such a movie (and readily admit it!). It's a beautiful thing. (By the way, if you haven't yet seen Frozen, my three daughters and I absolutely love it!)
Enjoying the Beauty Along the Way,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Mo Moment is another of Life’s Little LaughablesTM :
We were watching a comedy the other night and the term "lingerie" was mentioned a couple of times. My twelve-year-old asked me why they were pronouncing that word wrong. So I asked her what word she was talking about. And she said: "laundry". I laughed, but I could understand how she could make that connection. The word "lingerie" does sound as if you are separating out the word "laundry". What was not fun was trying to explain what lingerie was. I think I would have preferred just letting her think they were mispronouncing "laundry". ;)
May you find beauty in unexpected places each day! ~SG
Monday, March 31, 2014
Life Observation 1.0
I am calling this entry a 'Life Observation' rather than a 'Random Rant' because the 'Rant' category falls under a complaint, whereas today's musings are merely bemused observations about life.
My family and I just returned from our Spring Break vacation. We went to West Palm Beach in Florida to visit my sisters. My bemused observation makes me think about Murphy's Law (poor Murphy). The entire week before our trip, West Palm was sunny and 80 every day (as continuously reported to me by my sister). The forecast for our week (7 days in advance) called for rain for the entire week. I am happy to say that the forecast improved the closer we got to our trip; however it did not prove to be highly accurate.
On our first day, it rained all day (even though the forecast called for sunshine). This was not one of those quick little rains that cleared up within an hour. Nope. It was gray and rainy, ALL DAY. The second day was supposed to be nice, prior to a cold front moving in on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was going to be 80 and sunny. And of course the following week was calling for 5 straight days of 80s and sunshine.
As mentioned, Day Two was supposed to be all sun; the plan was to enjoy our pool as well as get some ocean time in. Here was the sky as we left our condo and headed for the beach:
And here was the sky within 5 minutes of arriving at the ocean:
The walk to the beach was TEN minutes. I could not believe how fast this storm moved in. So we grabbed all of our stuff and ran to a picnic shelter area. I am happy to report that this was a typical, short-lived Florida storm. Within 30 minutes, the sky cleared and returned to being a beautiful, sunshining blue. We were thrilled that we were going to get our beach time in after all.
We walked back up to the beach, laid down our towels, set up our umbrella, and just as I was getting settled in to read my book, I kept noticing annoying little bugs biting me. It was almost constant (certainly the antithesis of relaxation). My husband didn't believe me because he was not getting bit. Then he laid his white t-shirt on my towel and within seconds we saw a hundred tiny little brown bugs all over his shirt. That was enough evidence for me to immediately high-tail it out of there. Beach time over.
Apparently, we experienced an extremely abnormal phenomenon for the beach ... no-see-ums were everywhere. Typically, annoying no-see-ums are not on the beach, they are usually farther inland (my sister says they are in the mangroves...and NEVER on the beach with the ocean breeze). We found out that the weather pattern we just experienced came from the West (whereas typically the beach breeze comes from the East, off the Atlantic Ocean). One cool thing about life...one is constantly learning new interesting facts.
Like I said at the start of this blog, this truly is not a rant or a complaint (I actually find it amusing). I would not change a thing. Escaping Ohio, after the brutal winter we just had, was a wonderful thing. (And keeping in line with our winter, Ohio's spring break week brought unseasonably cold weather and snow almost every day.)
So...I ask you...for the end of March...would you rather have a cloudy day with this view?
Or experience this view?
Enough said. ;)
Bemusingly Yours,
P.S. Ironically, a friend pointed out to me that our last family beach vacation (at Ocean City) was timed perfectly to catch the end of a tropical storm. Hmmm...don't get me started on my luck with going out to dinner...
Motivational Moment:
1. May you be happily surprised by cuteness. I LOVE the geckos that are in Florida. Absolutely Adorable!
2. May you get to experience the beauty of a jellyfish without experiencing the pain of swimming with one.
3. And finally, if you happen to go on vacation to a warm place and you unexpectedly experience a cold front, may there be a hot jacuzzi to warm you up and chase away your blues. *sigh* What a view!
My family and I just returned from our Spring Break vacation. We went to West Palm Beach in Florida to visit my sisters. My bemused observation makes me think about Murphy's Law (poor Murphy). The entire week before our trip, West Palm was sunny and 80 every day (as continuously reported to me by my sister). The forecast for our week (7 days in advance) called for rain for the entire week. I am happy to say that the forecast improved the closer we got to our trip; however it did not prove to be highly accurate.
On our first day, it rained all day (even though the forecast called for sunshine). This was not one of those quick little rains that cleared up within an hour. Nope. It was gray and rainy, ALL DAY. The second day was supposed to be nice, prior to a cold front moving in on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was going to be 80 and sunny. And of course the following week was calling for 5 straight days of 80s and sunshine.
As mentioned, Day Two was supposed to be all sun; the plan was to enjoy our pool as well as get some ocean time in. Here was the sky as we left our condo and headed for the beach:
And here was the sky within 5 minutes of arriving at the ocean:
The walk to the beach was TEN minutes. I could not believe how fast this storm moved in. So we grabbed all of our stuff and ran to a picnic shelter area. I am happy to report that this was a typical, short-lived Florida storm. Within 30 minutes, the sky cleared and returned to being a beautiful, sunshining blue. We were thrilled that we were going to get our beach time in after all.
We walked back up to the beach, laid down our towels, set up our umbrella, and just as I was getting settled in to read my book, I kept noticing annoying little bugs biting me. It was almost constant (certainly the antithesis of relaxation). My husband didn't believe me because he was not getting bit. Then he laid his white t-shirt on my towel and within seconds we saw a hundred tiny little brown bugs all over his shirt. That was enough evidence for me to immediately high-tail it out of there. Beach time over.
Apparently, we experienced an extremely abnormal phenomenon for the beach ... no-see-ums were everywhere. Typically, annoying no-see-ums are not on the beach, they are usually farther inland (my sister says they are in the mangroves...and NEVER on the beach with the ocean breeze). We found out that the weather pattern we just experienced came from the West (whereas typically the beach breeze comes from the East, off the Atlantic Ocean). One cool thing about life...one is constantly learning new interesting facts.
Like I said at the start of this blog, this truly is not a rant or a complaint (I actually find it amusing). I would not change a thing. Escaping Ohio, after the brutal winter we just had, was a wonderful thing. (And keeping in line with our winter, Ohio's spring break week brought unseasonably cold weather and snow almost every day.)
So...I ask you...for the end of March...would you rather have a cloudy day with this view?
Or experience this view?
Enough said. ;)
Bemusingly Yours,
P.S. Ironically, a friend pointed out to me that our last family beach vacation (at Ocean City) was timed perfectly to catch the end of a tropical storm. Hmmm...don't get me started on my luck with going out to dinner...
Motivational Moment:
1. May you be happily surprised by cuteness. I LOVE the geckos that are in Florida. Absolutely Adorable!
2. May you get to experience the beauty of a jellyfish without experiencing the pain of swimming with one.
3. And finally, if you happen to go on vacation to a warm place and you unexpectedly experience a cold front, may there be a hot jacuzzi to warm you up and chase away your blues. *sigh* What a view!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Unexpected Moments of Bliss
Every now and then, the stars align and you unexpectedly have a good night. This is particularly a beautiful thing when you are dreading the night to come. Tonight, I 'volunteered' for my daughter's middle school spring dance party, which was an orchestra fundraiser. Usually, it is my husband who fills in for these things because he is currently out of work, (his company closed 6 months ago) so he gets all of the kid running-around duties. Typically, by the end of the work week, I am exhausted (aka falling asleep on the couch by 8:30pm). Besides the usual end-of-the-week tiredness, this week had the dreaded time change, which makes morning come one hour earlier. Now let me tell you, if you are like me and are not a morning person, then you well know how horrid this time change is. Getting up at 6:30am is bad enough, but getting up at 5:30am is downright disgusting. Anyhoo, I was not looking forward to tonight. And since hubby had a job interview, I had to leave work early and go to my 3rd graders dance party until 5:30pm and then had to be the ticket taker and door watcher for the middle school kids from 6:30 - 9:00pm. Needless to say, after a long week at work AND the time change (AND cramps!), I was dreading my evening.
I am really happy to say that my evening was not only not horrible, but it was actually downright enjoyable. My mom, who is 68 and absolutely amazing, had volunteered to work both parties (the elementary school party as well as the middle school party). Yes - this woman constantly makes me look bad. She is the freaking energizer bunny; and yes, she is my hero. I was watching her work the floor (as I was in my position guarding the door) and I realized how blessed I was to have her in my life. She has endless love and energy for her family and for school functions (she is raising a granddaughter who is in 8th grade) and she is beautiful, on the inside and out. She can seriously pass for a woman in her 50s, despite the fact that she is almost 70 (a positive aspect of her genetics I hope to inherit).
I realized my evening was actually becoming enjoyable as I found myself dancing and singing to the blaring popular songs being played by the DJ. I also loved watching my twin 12 year-old's dancing the night away with their two bffs. The innocence of youth is fleeting. These girls will be graduating from high school in the blink of an eye. So it was with a big smile on my face that I watched their little group of girls dancing all night, partaking in a hula hoop contest and a limbo contest, as well as being the last ones on the dance floor as the night came to an end.
As I was driving my daughters and their friends home and listening to their animated discussion and boisterous laughter, I was amazed at the sense of happiness that came over me. It was a pure moment of bliss. I wasn't exhausted. I didn't have a headache. My joints weren't killing me. All was well. That is until I realized the girls' conversation had drifted to talking about a certain boy. *SIGH* It's only a matter of time until the drama of young love hits. In the meantime, however, I'm happy to say that I treasured this cherished moment in time.
Carpe Dieming,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM :
Last night, as my husband was prepping for a job interview, I was telling him to say that he fits the job requirements to a 'T'. Daughter B asked what that saying meant, so I explained to her that he fit the job description perfectly. Then she said, well shouldn't the saying be that he fits the job requirements to a 'P' for perfect? I thought that was a pretty good point. :)
Enjoy the ride my friends!
I am really happy to say that my evening was not only not horrible, but it was actually downright enjoyable. My mom, who is 68 and absolutely amazing, had volunteered to work both parties (the elementary school party as well as the middle school party). Yes - this woman constantly makes me look bad. She is the freaking energizer bunny; and yes, she is my hero. I was watching her work the floor (as I was in my position guarding the door) and I realized how blessed I was to have her in my life. She has endless love and energy for her family and for school functions (she is raising a granddaughter who is in 8th grade) and she is beautiful, on the inside and out. She can seriously pass for a woman in her 50s, despite the fact that she is almost 70 (a positive aspect of her genetics I hope to inherit).
I realized my evening was actually becoming enjoyable as I found myself dancing and singing to the blaring popular songs being played by the DJ. I also loved watching my twin 12 year-old's dancing the night away with their two bffs. The innocence of youth is fleeting. These girls will be graduating from high school in the blink of an eye. So it was with a big smile on my face that I watched their little group of girls dancing all night, partaking in a hula hoop contest and a limbo contest, as well as being the last ones on the dance floor as the night came to an end.
As I was driving my daughters and their friends home and listening to their animated discussion and boisterous laughter, I was amazed at the sense of happiness that came over me. It was a pure moment of bliss. I wasn't exhausted. I didn't have a headache. My joints weren't killing me. All was well. That is until I realized the girls' conversation had drifted to talking about a certain boy. *SIGH* It's only a matter of time until the drama of young love hits. In the meantime, however, I'm happy to say that I treasured this cherished moment in time.
Carpe Dieming,
Motivational Moment:
Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM :
Last night, as my husband was prepping for a job interview, I was telling him to say that he fits the job requirements to a 'T'. Daughter B asked what that saying meant, so I explained to her that he fit the job description perfectly. Then she said, well shouldn't the saying be that he fits the job requirements to a 'P' for perfect? I thought that was a pretty good point. :)
Enjoy the ride my friends!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
For the love of Love
I had to send a little shout out to ‘Love’ since it is Valentine’s Day. In my recent ‘Art of Survival’ blog, I mentioned how much love drives the economy; it is particularly evident at this time of year. Just think about how much money is spent at Valentine’s Day on cards, chocolate, flowers, and jewelry (makes me want to own a card and chocolate shop…but then I would probably eat all of my profits…*sigh*).
Setting the economic facts of love aside, I have to agree with a line I heard in the movie Labor Day, describing the main character as “being in love with love”. I get that. I also am in love with love. I love being in love. I love seeing love around me. I love Love. Thus, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to send a shout out to LOVE by sharing some of the examples of love I have witnessed in the past few weeks from friends and family:
- A young grandpa who takes his granddaughter on weekend adventures and truly loves his time with her;
- An older set of grandparents who are watching a newborn for a close family friend; the love between the 3 of them evident in all the smiles amongst them;
- A husband who takes care of his dying wife as well as his daughters, while working full time and keeping the household running;
- A wife who happily takes care of everything from her 3 children to her household and dog, all while working full time because it is just who she is; she is truly full of love; she is always thoughtful and always willing to lend a hand;
- A neighbor who steps in at a moment’s notice when needed;
- A father who volunteers to coach his daughter’s basketball team; his loving nature evident in how he coaches all of the girls on the team;
- A woman who loves shopping and shares her love with her family by spoiling them with gifts (her three nieces get so excited for their aunt’s big box of gifts for birthdays and holidays);
- A sister making a good luck card for her younger sister’s first basketball game;
- A mother whose adult daughters adore her for who she is and for all the love she has always shown them and their children.
These are just a few examples of love I have noticed in everyday life. There are many more innocent, simple examples (such as a smile), as well as many more extravagant examples. Love is all around us. It really is what life is all about. I hope you all love who you are – as you are – and you love others for who they are.
I wish you all a life filled with love.
Lovingly Yours,
Motivational Moment:
I love ‘Love’ for what it is and what it feels like; however, if you need any convincing for just how good love is for you, here is an article that lists several health benefits of Love: Huffington Post Love Link
As always, Peace, Love, and Joy! SG
Monday, January 27, 2014
Arctic Cold and the Winter Blues
Okay – I have to say it. I’m sick of this brutally cold weather. Enough already. And it’s not even February!! Ugh! It has only been one week since my post about the Art of Survival and…well…let’s just say I haven’t conquered that Art yet. I’m crabby. I’m cold. I’m not motivated. There is something not quite right with the world when Ohio is colder than Alaska! Right now it is 2˚ with a wind chill of -22˚in Ohio; Alaska’s temperature for today was a high of 45˚ and a low of 34˚. Seriously?! That is CRAZY!
Besides the brutal cold weather and the gray days, this is also the worst time of the year for the respiratory flu and the stomach 'flu' (as I lamented about in last weekend's blog). Here is a short story from this past Saturday night:
I was sleeping in my bed with my 8 year old daughter (it was the weekend and she likes the occasional treat of sleeping with mom…and mom feels bad for her because she feels left out from her twin sisters). At 11:30pm, I hear her cough and swallow a bunch of times. Then I hear “THE” cough…the cough that is the start of the vomit flowing. I start yelling for her to get up and run to the bathroom. She gets up and proceeds to puke all over the carpet. I yell for her to run to the toilet. She runs in the bathroom and slips and falls on her puke. I run after her, help her up, inadvertently stepping in her puke with my bare feet. I have her go to the toilet. I don’t want to walk with the puke all over my feet…until I realize she is standing up straight at the toilet, puking everywhere but in the toilet…on the walls, on the carpet, etc. I go to her, hold her puke-soaked hair back, lean her over and tell her to puke IN the toilet.
When I look at the damage surrounding us, I feel like Eddie Murphy in the movie Daddy Day Care with the bathroom scene. (On an aside – I bow down to all single parents or parents in which the other does not help with these matters, because I could not imagine having to clean up that mess by myself. My husband scrubbed the bedroom carpet while I cleaned the bathroom floor and the kid! This is definitely one of the realities of parenthood that you NEVER think about when you decide you want to have a baby.)
This morning, I thought we were safe from the stomach flu spreading through our family…until my neighbor texted me saying that the remaining 3 members of her family came down with it yesterday (two days after her first daughter had it). So, of course, the panicky freak that I am, immediately comes to the conclusion that this is obviously one horridly contagious flu, not to mention horribly painful, and that it is going to go through the rest of my family. Woohoo.
As the famous saying goes, one way or another, “this too shall pass”!!
Ready for Spring,
P.S. As I was getting ready to post this blog at midnight, my husband made the comment that we are done with this flu and we are not going to get it. Literally 10 seconds later, daughter # 2 walks down the stairs and starts puking (in the toilet, thank you very much). And then there were 3! Let the games begin.
Motivational Moment:
I believe in spoiling yourself with little luxuries whenever you are able. And it is known that I adore chocolate. I recently checked out Seattle Chocolates website and fell in love with the Manifesto of the company (listed below). Owner and CEO Jean Thompson has my utmost respect due to her love of chocolate as well as her understanding that it is “one of life’s fabulous little pleasures”. J
Here is Seattle Chocolates Manifesto (as found here (link) on their website):
- We believe in surrounding yourself with things you love.
- We believe in licking the spoon.
- We believe in colorful moments and daydreams.
- We believe that looks DO matter. (SG: Don’t even get me started on going gray naturally…)
- We believe a little bit of indulgence every day is the way to go.
- We believe that truffles help people live in the moment.
- We believe laughter is life’s best accessory – makes you sexy and goes with every single thing in your closet.
- We believe giving something beautiful makes you feel all that!
Jean and Seattle Chocolates – thank you for your outlook on life as well as your love of chocolate!
Wishing all of you plenty of luxuries and pleasures that help you get through this cold (and flu-ridden) winter! SG
Sunday, January 19, 2014
The Art of Survival
The Art of Survival. This phrase is said near the end of the movie American Hustle and I find it to be an apt representation of life. Isn’t this what the majority of us do, day in and day out – survive? And the “Art” of that survival is what makes us interesting and unique; it defines our time here on earth.
At this time of year, I particularly feel like our goal is to survive the flu season. Everywhere on the news (as well as from those around you), you hear about the flu spreading at alarming levels. Being the anxiety freak that I am, it reminds me of the mantra: “Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!”, except my mantra is: “Stomach Flu, Respiratory Flu, and Strep Throat, ACK!”. But here’s the thing, the flu season happens every year. Every. Single. Year. It takes away a lot of the fear and panic, knowing that we survive this every year and it does not mean the end of civilization as we know it (despite all the scare in the media).
Seasonal illnesses aside, we all have very serious challenges to face at some point in our journey; no one gets through this life free of trials and tragedies. It boggles my mind when I think of how many hardships people have to survive throughout their lives, such as: deaths, divorce, job loss, money hardships, serious illnesses, as well as addictions. And the older you get, the more of a survivor you are, the more loss you have endured or witnessed. It is a shame that the elderly are not held in higher regard in this country; they should be honored and have amazing privileges (the least of which should be excellent health care coverage) for being the survivors that they are!
There are many diverse survival tactics that get people through their individual life’s journey. Everyone knows people who have healthy ways of surviving as well as those who have unhealthy ways. Those struggling with addictions to drugs and alcohol have a very difficult survival; whereas those with healthier tactics, such as a passion for something they love (exercising, reading, cooking, etc.), have an easier survival. But no matter what your tools are, life can sometimes feel like you are merely surviving the daily drudgeries. This is where I struggle. Life isn’t all about good times and having fun. There are many times when life seems to be endless days of work, housework, raising kids, dealing with illnesses, and being tired. Apparently those with a strong life’s purpose struggle a lot less. I wish I could simply buy a ‘life’s purpose’ somewhere; that it was just that easy to find one. From what I have read, it seems like people who have a strong religious or spiritual belief, have strong life purposes and feel very satisfied with their life’s journey.
One Art of Survival that we all share is Love. It amazes me just how strong of a motivator this is in human beings. And it is evident how powerful it is for all of us, by how much it is used as a theme, in everything, from songs, to advertisements, to television shows, movies, and books. It is all around us, ever present in our everyday life. Think about how many items are purchased for loved ones; love drives the economy. And everyone needs love to flourish; we need that connection, that human interaction to thrive. When people first meet a new love interest, they are literally on a high as if they are on a drug. They are giddy with happiness and energetic and they see the world through rose-colored glasses. And isn’t that amazing? Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could maintain that happy high? What a friendlier world it would be! And outside of romantic love, there is the powerful love between family, such as between a parent and child, as well as between close friends. It makes us more compassionate and kind towards others. Love truly makes the world a better place for our survival of our time here.
May your survival tools contain love and laughter; may you have a strong passion; may you have a strong life’s purpose.
Surviving the Drudgeries,
Searching for a Purpose,
Motivational Moment:
Today’s Moment is dedicated to my husband, Doug, who is an awesome dad to our three daughters.
I came across this blog from a very cool, down-to-earth dad, Doyin Richards, via The Huffington Post. Doyin posted a picture of him doing his daughter’s hair, which went viral. Check out his inspiring response to all of the positive and negative feedback he received: Doyin Richards Blog
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