with Life’s Little Laughables

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Big Picture

The past couple of weeks have been difficult ones for me because my joint pain has been particularly bad and unrelenting.  At times like this, it amazes me how easily I get pulled into the misery of the moment and lose all sight of the bigger picture of life.  During these times, I tend to think deeply about life and its meaning and purpose (or shall I say, I tend to struggle more with those thoughts).  And then I come across a quote, or a movie, or a book, that provides such hope that it almost is a lifeline during dark times.

My best friend recommended a movie to me.  As I was watching the first half of this movie, I was questioning why he recommended it for me, as I saw it as somewhat violent and dark.  And then I got to the end of the movie.  The final thoughts that were voiced tied it all together so beautifully and were so poignant that they really resonated with me.  The move was a "Winter's Tale" and here are the final quotes from the movie:

-       "What if we are all unique and the universe loves us all equally, so much so that it bends over backwards across the centuries for each and every one of us and sometimes we are just lucky enough to see it." 

-          "No life is more important than another and nothing has been without purpose.  Nothing.  What if we are all part of a great pattern that we may someday understand?  And one day, when we have done what we alone are capable of doing, we get to rise up and reunite with those we have loved the most?  Forever embraced.  What if we get to become stars?!" 

I love the hope and beauty that those thoughts inspire.  It makes the troubles and stress of your current life seem small.  They promise a greater purpose that makes it all worthwhile.  I find them very comforting and encouraging.

Searching for that Greater Purpose,


Motivational Moment:

Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM and is dedicated to daughter B (age 12), who is a very sweet and tender-hearted child and who simply loves walking around the backyard, discovering nature...and bugs...and animals.  Here is what she said to me yesterday:

Her: "Did I tell you that I walked through a giant web in the backyard yesterday?"

Me:  LOL. "NO! Yuk!"

Her: "It was between a bush against our house and the swing set and it was the size of my entire body.  And it was REALLY hard trying to pick it off my skin and shirt; that stuff really sticks."

Me: (At this point, I have the TOTAL heebee jeebies - and if that were me, I would have been freaking out wondering WHERE, exactly, the spider was that made that giant web ... and particularly, was it ON me), but instead, she simply said:

Her: "I felt SO bad because that was A LOT of work I just ruined."

May you all have tender-hearted moments that make your heart melt.  SG

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