because sometimes all you can do is laugh - and hey - it's even healthy for your body and mind.
One week ago, I made the impulsive decision to add a 2nd cat to our household; this one in the form of a 1.25lb, 5-week-old kitten. Her coloring melted my heart and I had to have her (Oh - if only she had been a plain, boring, solid color.):
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So deceptively innocent |
1. We were discussing possible names for the kitten, and I said: "We should call her Trouble with a capital T." And daughter B responds: "ALL names are spelled with a capital letter at the beginning!" (Can you see her eyes rolling and hear her sigh when you read that?)
2. Whack-A-Mole. When I was at the pet store picking up kitten items, I saw a cardboard box with big holes in it for play time. Rather than buying a cardboard box, I decided to cut a doorway on each side of one I had at home. This was a big hit for both the kitten and the 4 year-old cat that we have. It was particularly hilarious watching them play the Whack-A-Mole game. The kitten was inside of the box and the cat was outside of the box. All of a sudden, the kitten starts popping her head in and out of the box, at a very fast rate, and the cat was sitting there with his paw up in the air ready to whack the kitten's head. (And no - the kitten was not injured in the least people.)
3. This next one I am writing in the hopes that I will soon look back on this and laugh and be thankful it was short-lived: apparently kittens are NOT born with the innate ability to cover their litter box items effectively. She has fallen in it, stepped in it, tracked it around the room, thrown it against the wall ... she has yet to get down the clean and tidy way of covering it, without getting it on her.
4. Another joy of getting a baby kitten that was stranded in the wild by her mother - worms. I am told it is quite common for kittens and puppies to have worms and that it typically takes at least two treatments before the worms are all gone. This is just great news for me and my husband (whom I have turned into quite the germ-a-phobe); so we wash our hands a thousand times a day and just feel that there are worms all over us. The other night daughter B was giving me a hug at bed time and I yelled out: "Ack! Your face is where the kitten was!" to which she replied: "Yuk! I feel all wormy now!".
And now on to non-kitten Laughables:
5. The other day my 12 year-old was doing her homework when she excitedly exclaimed: "I LOVE how the abbreviation for Miles Per Hour is M.P.H. (which she pronounced as Mmmph)!".
6. Apparently the result of a few too many tequila shots for my husband is him being unaware that mosquitoes are feasting on him:
7. As I was writing this blog, my sister, who is an attorney, and who is very smart (and very good at arguing, I might add) called me to share what she just did. She was running out to her car in a parking lot and there was a torrential rainfall, so she runs up to a 4-door black sedan and opens the door and then realizes it's not her car. She then proceeds to tell me she has done this before. Lesson learned here: one may be very smart at some things and not so brilliant - or even observant - at other things. (Love you sis!)
8. I currently am battling carpenter ants in my kitchen. After fighting them for two months, I surrendered and called pest control. The down side is that it will take up to three weeks for the poison to get back to the colony and kill the queen (I am just through week one). Apparently, the scoundrels are living somewhere either in the wall behind my stove or in the ground below my stove (which in and of itself is extremely disturbing to my psyche), because twice now, I have had the extreme displeasure of cooking on the stove, while the oven is also on, and have had to kill at least 20 ants over the course of the hour. The problem is that I HATE bugs. Particularly fast-crawling things that I have to smush.
Here is a description of my experience:
Large ant darts across counter ... I scream.
I rush to grab a paper-towel and attempt to smush the rotten intruder ... I scream.
Said intruder darts out from under my paper-towel ... I scream.
I hurry and smush him dead ... I scream.
One would think one would get accustomed to bug killing... *SIGH*
Laughingly Shaking My Head,
Motivational Moment:
Laugh people! For Pete's sake, this is the only life you have, you might as well enjoy the crazy ride!
Here's wishing you lots of laughter today!
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