with Life’s Little Laughables

Friday, March 14, 2014

Unexpected Moments of Bliss

Every now and then, the stars align and you unexpectedly have a good night. This is particularly a beautiful thing when you are dreading the night to come.  Tonight, I 'volunteered' for my daughter's middle school spring dance party, which was an orchestra fundraiser.  Usually, it is my husband who fills in for these things because he is currently out of work, (his company closed 6 months ago) so he gets all of the kid running-around duties.  Typically, by the end of the work week, I am exhausted (aka falling asleep on the couch by 8:30pm).  Besides the usual end-of-the-week tiredness, this week had the dreaded time change, which makes morning come one hour earlier.  Now let me tell you, if you are like me and are not a morning person, then you well know how horrid this time change is.  Getting up at 6:30am is bad enough, but getting up at 5:30am is downright disgusting.  Anyhoo, I was not looking forward to tonight. And since hubby had a job interview, I had to leave work early and go to my 3rd graders dance party until 5:30pm and then had to be the ticket taker and door watcher for the middle school kids from 6:30 - 9:00pm.  Needless to say, after a long week at work AND the time change (AND cramps!), I was dreading my evening.

I am really happy to say that my evening was not only not horrible, but it was actually downright enjoyable.  My mom, who is 68 and absolutely amazing, had volunteered to work both parties (the elementary school party as well as the middle school party).  Yes - this woman constantly makes me look bad. She is the freaking energizer bunny; and yes, she is my hero.  I was watching her work the floor (as I was in my position guarding the door) and I realized how blessed I was to have her in my life.  She has endless love and energy for her family and for school functions (she is raising a granddaughter who is in 8th grade) and she is beautiful, on the inside and out.  She can seriously pass for a woman in her 50s, despite the fact that she is almost 70 (a positive aspect of her genetics I hope to inherit).

I realized my evening was actually becoming enjoyable as I found myself dancing and singing to the blaring popular songs being played by the DJ.  I also loved watching my twin 12 year-old's dancing the night away with their two bffs.  The innocence of youth is fleeting.  These girls will be graduating from high school in the blink of an eye.  So it was with a big smile on my face that I watched their little group of girls dancing all night, partaking in a hula hoop contest and a limbo contest, as well as being the last ones on the dance floor as the night came to an end.

As I was driving my daughters and their friends home and listening to their animated discussion and boisterous laughter, I was amazed at the sense of happiness that came over me.  It was a pure moment of bliss.  I wasn't exhausted.  I didn't have a headache.  My joints weren't killing me.  All was well.  That is until I realized the girls' conversation had drifted to talking about a certain boy. *SIGH*  It's only a matter of time until the drama of young love hits.  In the meantime, however, I'm happy to say that I treasured this cherished moment in time.

Carpe Dieming,

Motivational Moment:

Today's Moment is one of my Life’s Little LaughablesTM :

Last night, as my husband was prepping for a job interview, I was telling him to say that he fits the job requirements to a 'T'.  Daughter B asked what that saying meant, so I explained to her that he fit the job description perfectly.  Then she said, well shouldn't the saying be that he fits the job requirements to a 'P' for perfect?  I thought that was a pretty good point.  :) 

Enjoy the ride my friends!

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