with Life’s Little Laughables

Monday, October 9, 2017

Love Is The Answer

I haven't written in a long time because, well, my life has been crazy for the last two years.  However, I feel it is a good sign that I am once again motivated to write my meanderings.  (And a shout out to my Tina girl who is such an awesome supporter of my writing.  Thank you my friend!) 
After several years of surviving a life transition (aka divorce) I feel like I am finally over the devastation (most of it self-induced due to over-thinking and being too hard on myself) and on my way to enjoying some of the best years of my life as I learn to love and accept me for who I am.
I am a sensitive soul.  I have anxiety and panic.  I over-think and over-analyze and I worry too much.  And while some day I may delve into writing about those topics or about my journey the last few years, today's post is about positivity, particularly because of all the negative world events transpiring.  As human beings, it is not healthy for us to solely concentrate on - or glorify - or magnify the horror (this does not mean we don't take needed action, it just means we focus on what is good particularly in difficult times, as that is what helps us survive).  We need to live each day as peacefully and happily as we can.  Life is short.  It goes by fast.  We do not know what day will be our last. So we need to love.  We need to love one another and love ourselves.  We need to realize that everyone is a human being ... born into this world through no choosing of our own ... and we all need love to survive.  Love truly makes the world go round.  Love motivates, encourages, and heals.  It makes our happy days brighter and our difficult days do-able.
The upside of being a sensitive soul, is that I am very touched by love and beauty.  Lately, I have seen so much love around me and I am humbled by it.  And have you ever noticed that when you think about a particular subject, you happen to notice it so much more?  Such a cool phenomenon.  
It melts my heart when I hear about friends who are wonderfully giving and loving to their family and friends.  I am lucky to work with some of these beautiful people.  One friend is 65 and offers much emotional and financial support to her daughter and grandchildren.  Another friend sat up all night with her adult daughter when she was devastated over bad news.  This friend also opens her house to anyone that needs it and always offers to help people.  She is self-less and kind.  Another friend helps her husband out with his own business after she finishes her full time job.  She also makes her grandkids whatever they want for their birthday dinner, no matter how extravagant.  These ladies are calm and loving and truly beautiful souls.  It is a pleasure working with them and knowing them. 
My heart is also touched when I see random acts of kindness from strangers, and this can be as simple as someone holding a door for a stranger or helping them pick up something they dropped or a kind smile or encouraging word. I love hearing the stories of strangers who pick up the bill for the person behind them in fast food drive-throughs or at restaurants.
Even on social media, there are outpourings of love for strangers, as witnessed during tragedies.  On a large scale, we see thousands of people donating food and money for hurricane victims; on a small scale, we see individuals supporting other individuals.  I  have recently started following many people on Instagram who have anxiety and panic, and the inner circle of beauty and support that is shared amongst this group of strangers is inspiring and uplifting. 
In Closing, I have often said that a dream job of mine would be to interview and write about loving relationships that last through the years and that truly shine with their love.  I'm intrigued with these couples and how they manage to last for decades.  There are so many failed marriages, whether they actually end in divorce, or they stay married but one or both parties are miserable (which I also consider a failed marriage).  In the U.S., 1 out or 2 marriages end in divorce and subsequent marriages have even higher divorce rates. And if 50% end in divorce, I would say more than half of that remaining 50% are not happy.  What are we doing wrong as a society that so many of us fail in marriages?  Is it how we are raised? Is it the fairy tales? Is it selfishness?  The fact that it is so widespread, tells me it is a society-wide issue (at least in the United States). It is the sensitive soul in me that is bothered by this.  When two people get married, they are so in love and hopeful for their happily ever after.  Where and why does it go wrong for so many?
People always say don't put off doing what you enjoy; you need to do it now and enjoy living. Carpe diem!  I am hoping to write about relationships that are truly successful (and by successful - I distinctly mean in which both partners are happy and satisfied with their partner and their relationship). My next blog is going to be about a co-worker who truly has a relationship that works well and is full of love.
A Lover of Love,
Motivational Moment:
Today's moment is a celebration of the start of Fall.  Fall is such a beautiful season with all of the leaves changing.  It is also a great time to enjoy bonfires and roasted marshmallows. 

Wishing you beautiful days where you get to enjoy some much needed peace and relaxation. 