with Life’s Little Laughables

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Equal Rights...in Clothing

Today's blog is a Random Rant.  I am not about to delve into a deep, heated debate about a very controversial, hot topic.  No thank you.  I like to keep it simple and light (at least for today's blog).  There are enough serious battles in life without needing to conjure up extra one's for mere sport.  Hence, this little rant is about laundry.

I was doing laundry for the family this weekend and became very frustrated with an observation.  I would love to know why is it that men's clothing is made superior than women's?  What I am specifically referring to is 'Wrinkle-free' pants.  Men's wrinkle-free pants come out of the dryer - completely without wrinkles (smooth and beautiful)!  Women's, on the other hand, come out a complete wrinkled mess.  This is not some new phenomenon; I have noticed it throughout my 12 years of being married.  You can't tell me that they can't make an equally fabulous wrinkle-free pant for women.  It appears to me that men's clothes are made sturdier and frankly overall better than women's.  Is this some little sick joke on us women?  As if we are the ones who have all kinds of extra time on our hands to iron our wrinkle-free shirts and pants.  Ha!

Now, on the other hand, THIS would be a controversial topic between men and women...my daughters are of the age to start their 'time of the month' (by the way, growing up, I NEVER understood why people referred to them as your "friend"!  I always felt that it was my enemy, not my friend; I was never happy to see this monthly visitor...that is until I was 41 and it was late...then I was ecstatic - let alone happy - when my "friend" finally arrived!).  Anyways, I was discussing this wonderful topic with my daughter and she said, "Life is not fair!  Boys have it so easy!", as she stomped out of my room.  All I could do was laugh out loud, for I have had that exact same thought, every single month of my life, since my "friend" started visiting.  :)

In Search of Equality in my Closet,


Motivational Moment:

 For Today's Motivational Moment, I wanted to share an exchange that made me laugh.  As mentioned in an earlier post, I have been trying to eat healthier to feel better.  Non-GMO foods are finally making more of an appearance here in the United States (apparently we are way behind Europe in demanding healthier food) and I have been saying it is a goal of mine to try to purchase more non-GMO foods.  When I was discussing this with someone (who shall remain nameless for the sake of peace in my life), this person said "is this one of your surgically modified foods"?  So I laughed and said, "People are surgically modified, not food; food is genetically modified (unfortunately).   ;)

May you laugh out loud today and enjoy it!

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