with Life’s Little Laughables

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to School Madness (aka Procrastination at its Best!)

What is it about the going-back-to-school time of year that stresses me out.  (I know - what doesn't stress me out...You wouldn't believe how many people say that to me, by the way.  Ha!  As if I didn't already know that I am a stress freak.)  But seriously, does anyone else experience this phenomena?  I understand that it means going back to a very set schedule with the juggling of homework, dance classes, sports, etc., as well as the added morning stress of catching the bus (always an adventure!).  But my issue has more to do with the pressure I put on myself to get my house in order before the start of the school year.

Today is the day before my kids return to school and ideally it would have been a relaxing day with the kids - doing something fun for them before they return to the rigid school routine for another year.  But did I do this? Of course not.  I spent the first half of my day stressing myself (and them) out so completely that one would think today was the last day to get all my things in order. Ever.  I am once again returning to the topic of the cluttered chaos that is my house.  I was determined that my house would be in perfect shape prior to the commencement of the school year.  Did I succeed?  No, I failed.  Miserably.  Did I set myself up for failure.  Of course.  (Hey - kudos to me for high expectations though!)  :)

As I was driving away from my house at 2pm, in a determined effort to give my kids some enjoyment this last day (we went to a local waterfall and got ice cream...yay me!  Some redemption!), I was thinking that I have no one to blame but myself.  And I think the problem comes from being a procrastinator.  I have realized that I need deadlines to motivate me to get things done.  A recurrent theme of mine is that I have way too much clutter in my house.  It drives me - and my husband - crazy.  In fact there are books written on how clutter is bad for your state of mind; you simply can't relax in an area that has clutter everywhere.  (In fact, isn't that what the entire idea is behind Feng Shui?!  And look at how popular that is!) 

So apparently, I needed the start of the school year to give me the jump start on cleaning up some of this clutter.  The unfortunate aspect of this is that I only reacted the DAY before school starts.  Too bad I couldn't have felt motivated the MONTH before school starts.  (I need to work on my procrastination skills motivating me earlier before a deadline!!)

Alas, baby steps are better than no steps at all.  Keep the Faith!

In High Hopes of Feng Shui,

Motivational Moment:

Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it's dark.   ~Zen Proverb

Hmmmm...gotta love these Zen moments.  They are so deep.  So this is saying that I get in my own way of decluttering my house.  Ya think?  OR perhaps, I could look at it another way:

To thine own self be true.  ~Shakespeare

Life is short.  Treasure time with family and friends!

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