with Life’s Little Laughables

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spontaneous Happiness

I came across this YouTube video the other day and immediately fell in love with it (along with many others, as it has gone viral).  Watching this cop singing and dancing to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off song, as he is driving around town, is pure joy.  Anyone who can watch this and not laugh, or at the very least smile, needs to learn that life is short and is meant to be enjoyed.

For those of you who have not yet seen it, here it is: LINK.  Enjoy!!

I want to thank the Dover Police Department for sharing this with the world; I especially thank and admire the cop in the video, who is enjoying life to the fullest.  I love laughing out loud as it is truly a spontaneously happy event and as such, it is a wonderful gift to give to others.

Be true to yourselves people, as that is where happiness lies.  Don't be afraid to do what you enjoy for fear of ridicule by others.  We are born as beautiful individuals and we shine the best when we are living a life true to ourselves.

Laughing and Enjoying the Moment,


Motivational Moment:

I recently came across the website of Shannon Kaiser, aptly called "Play with the World": LINK.  Shannon has a very motivational story of her life and an excellent attitude about life.  I highly recommend Shannon as a source of inspiration.

Peace, Love, and Hugs, SG


  1. So I just spent the last hour writing a comment to you and lost it during registration....haha....try again later

    1. Awwww! That sucks! You have to write your comment Johnny! And what's with the garbage can pic? lol! Your thoughts are NOT trash my friend, quite the opposite indeed. :)

    2. Well I used my lap top and it dumped me again....ill keep at it

  2. It is nice to find another kindred spirit on the seemingly endless journey to make sense of this world and perhaps find something worth tucking away in the rich tapestry of our thoughts. Like me,you long to discover a purpose for the suffering and turmoil that creeps into our lives. I could never get over a child’s death because it seemed so pointless. Why would God bring this beautiful creature into the world for such a short time only to let them slip away without fulfilling their purpose? Why bother creating a life? Questions like these along with my own personal struggles set me off on a journey to find answers and I have discovered some satisfying truths that may appear subjective but I believe the same force of nature that makes your heart beat a little faster when your child achieves something wonderful is the same force/divinity/intelligence that brings people like us together in moments of synchronicity.

    Before I researched anything I decided to prioritize my fears and take in as much information s I could on the subject and I started with the big one….DEATH. I reasoned that if I could look at death in a new way perhaps it would lose its hold on my emotions and allow me to focus on life. I read countless books on the subject. I read religious text, documents and treatise in philosophy and even the biography of an atheist journaling his dying days but surprisingly it was science that opened my eyes. It was not what scientists could prove that interested me, it was what they could not prove that blew me away. They have no idea why stem cells choose to combine to make a body part. They have no idea how the brain works, sure they can map how it reacts but they have no clue as to how we form pictures in our minds. it is just a fatty mass made up of cells that are constantly being replaced essentially replacing the old brain yet our memories remain. Subatomic particle communicate faster than the speed of light( scientifically impossible) and when they are observed or tested they behave differently than when they are not being observed as if they know we are watching. Science will never know how I experience life. They cannot climb into my head and see if what I experience as the color blue is the same for all and then there is the big problem..consciousness. This is the tool spiritualist use against materialist. The only thing any of us know for sure with whole-hearted truth is that we know we exist and anyone who claims to know how this is possible is full of shit. All of these things made miracles possible for me.This told me that there are no experts on how John should be John and this reality that I experience is not so solid as I thought..If that Table that I thought was solid is nothing more than tiny particles that behave mysteriously and its my brain function that makes it something tangible and if seeing is believing yet light is required which science cant agree as to whether it is a solid or a wave form then why cant my consciousness outlast this body……to be continued …if ya can put up with my blabber

  3. I apologize for my wordiness and if you would rather move this to another forum I will understand but in the meantime I will trudge on with hopes that you can relate to one or two things.....With the possibility of an afterlife I wanted to know if there was something behind all this or more specifically if God exists.I did what I imagine most people do and played the " If I were God" game. I decided I would create something good with this infinite space. At first I thought why not just whip up a batch of kind, benevolent creatures in a world of breathtaking beauty but it occured to me that if the only thing these creatures experienced was kindness and beauty, this would normalize the experience causing stagnation. The majestic giant Redwood would just be a tree.Love would be added to other certainty like death and taxes. I would need a foil to give these things meaning. I would need to create these creatures with an innate ability to experience pleasure and pain in various forms. I figured that if these creatures could sense these things in several ways, they could then choose what is truely "good". I call it the gospel according to the senses. I would create an infinite space outwardly in order to contradict security and an equally infinite inward( micro) world that when they try to reduce the world to its true essence, they are left wanting but for there own thoughts.There is one thing needed to give meaning to this world of pain and pleasure and that is the ability to choose between these options.I would simply plant a seed of potential and allow them to grow. Every one of these creatures would be governed by the laws of opposites as well as their environment but they will have the gift of knowledge and with that knowledge they will have sense of self that will preserve their bodies but this to will have its opposite and this will be what connects everything.Creator, created and the spaces in between. This will not be obvious to the senses but these two forces will battle and in the final example of opposites,I would make the individual temporary and the unified infinite....so to me a God,Source, or whatever name ya like....makes sense to me

  4. I am sitting here laughing John, because my typed comment just had the fate of yours. It disappeared when I went to publish it, so here I am typing it again. So...as I was saying...I thought I was a deep thinker about life...that is, until I met you. I bow down to the depth of your thoughts about our existence. I simply would like a peaceful, coexistent world that does not have all of the horrible violence in it. I think we would have a much more tolerant (less violent) world if people thought about our existence in the view of the bigger picture and not just a small, closed view of their immediate world. Peace and hugs Johnny! SG

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The reason I over think things is because I try and look at both ends of the burning candle so that the meeting in the middle is satisfying....I look at birth and death to discover answers to life. I ask big questions like is the emotional devastation of death proportional to the elation of love.( better to of love and lost.....)Anyway, if your like me you are kind of hyper-empathetic. Which seems like an admirable trait but it is draining. What I have found through experience and research is that living a life that focuses on kindness , compassion, love and all the things you know are rooted in " goodness" works but it is on a whole different timeline. The world doesn't have to change, the way you think about it has to change. If you buy a shiny re sports car you will suddenly see shiny red sports cars all over the road and if you fill your thoughts with problems of humanity that's all your gonna see.I'm a work in progress but I know if I smile people are compelled to smile back and I know you know that too...here's to baby steps!
