with Life’s Little Laughables

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Daughters, Books, and Quotes

It's all relativity folks.  When I looked at my last post, which was over a month ago, I laughed since I thought I had it bad in the month of April.  The month of April was just a really, crazy, busy time at work. The month of May was much more damaging to my psyche.  (And let's not forget that the month of May is a notoriously bad month for me, as described here: End of School Year Insanity Link.)  But this past month of May added fuel to the already raging fire.  I was hit with two big surprises at work, at the same time, and let's just say they were not of the good kind.  And then last week, we had a tragedy of the purest sense: a co-worker died in a motorcycle accident. He was a very kind man, a very hard worker, and he will be greatly missed.

Moving on to a much lighter topic than death (which, isn't pretty much everything a lighter topic than death), I wasn't feeling well this morning (lingering stomach flu issues); I actually cancelled my massage, which is shocking in and of itself.  I spent most of the day laying around reading a book that my twelve-year-old daughter highly recommended: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is a fiction book, (which the author emphatically states a couple of different times) about kids with cancer.  As you can expect, I sobbed several times during this book, but the book is written very well (obviously, since a movie was made from it).  Reading this book prompted two blog-worthy notes (well actually there are many topics I could delve into from reading this book); however here are today's two:

1.  I truly love the fact that I have a twelve-year-old daughter who is recommending books to me, and I actually, really like them.  They have deep meanings, fabulous quotes about life (and I love quotes!), enjoyable sarcasm and wit, and are just wonderful reads.  It was a moment of pure enjoyment for me. I am seizing the day and enjoying this time in my life with my daughters.

2.  The second reason was a quote in the book that I just loved!   "What a slut time is.  She screws everybody."  True.  So very true. (I could also add that Death is a Bitch!)  One of my family's favorite TV sitcoms, The Middle, also had a quote about time that resonates: "The days go by slow, but the year's fly by."   There never seems to be enough hours in a day.  Ever.  And Death just pretty much sucks.  Enough said.

Ever the Optimist,


Motivational Moment:

Alright, so I have to turn the negativity around from my 'time and death rant', so here goes:

May you enjoy the time you have here on earth.  May you find little things - or big things - that make you laugh or smile every day. May you enjoy the special moments that each season of your life brings you.

Peace and Love,