with Life’s Little Laughables

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Live a Life Full of Love, Not Regret

Live in the moment.  Live Mindfully.  There is no past, there is no future, there is just now.  This is what zen masters, meditation guru's, self-help books, etc. will tell you.  One of my favorite dialogues from the movie "Peaceful Warrior" is the following: "Where are you?  Here.  What time is it?  Now.  What are you?  This moment."  All of this practice in mindfulness is to help you live a simple, peaceful life.  Its purpose is to help you eliminate all worries in your life and help you enjoy the present; help you to live in the moment, for that is all you have.

With that said, I recently felt a great regret.  (I am very new to this practice of mindfulness and hence still need much practice).  We found out that an elderly neighbor of ours, from our previous neighborhood, had passed away.  His daughters reached out to us because they knew how much their father loved our kids.  We were only neighbors for about 5 years, but in that time we had three girls and there were many, sunny days spent hanging with Mr. Tom, in his front yard.  He would always sit in his driveway and we would visit, almost daily, from when the girls were babies until we moved away when they were 4. 

At Tom's funeral, I was told by another neighbor that we broke Tom's heart by moving away.  I knew this.  In fact, when we were about to put the house up for sale, the hardest obstacle I faced, was telling Mr. Tom.  I knew it would devastate him.  His daughters told us that he had pictures of the girls throughout his house and he still talked about them all the time (we had moved away 6 years earlier).  So this was a devastating regret for me.  I was heart-broken over not making the effort, not finding the time, to visit with Mr. Tom with my daughters.  I am always saying how short life is.  We get too busy with the daily schedules of raising children and working full time.  Somehow I lost the perspective and importance of visiting with a loved one.  We went to the funeral and I saw a couple of the framed pictures of my girls that had been throughout Tom's house.  I am so sorry Tom that we didn't visit you in the last 5 years.  If I could have a re-do, I would make it a point to see you every summer and spend the evening talking with you, sitting in your driveway.  I know you are having fun flying with the angels now!

We love you Mr. Tom!!
 Spread love not hate.  Make sure your loved ones know you love them.  Hug freely and generously!  None of us know how long we are here for; all the more reason to spread your love every single day.

Mindfully (and Hugging-ly) Yours,

Motivational Moment: 


Tonight when I was surfing the top AOL stories of the day, one from Huffington Post caught my eye.  It was a husband's photojournalistic memoir to his wife, who died from breast cancer (Angelo and Jen Merendino).  Just 5 months after they were married, they received the horrible news that Jen had breast cancer.  The pictures are a wonderful, touching memoir of Jen and Angelo's Journey.  It was heartbreaking to see her tombstone at the end of the photos!  (It was also a reality check to see that Jen was born the same year that I was and a reinforcement to live for each day).  Thank you both for sharing your journey.  Check it out at: http://mywifesfightwithbreastcancer.com/ .  I am sending out love and hugs to Jen's family and friends who have had to endure the loss of her. 

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago; she was considered a survivor.  5 years ago, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which she finally succumbed to a year and a half ago, after one hell of an impressive battle.  I always told her that she made cancer look easy.  She never complained; never seemed to be in pain.  She was one of the strongest women I have known.  Throughout her battle, she was a wonderful grandma to my daughters, and that was priceless.

 I was also really touched by the movie 50/50 which is based off of the real life experience of Will Reiser's battle with cancer and how his friend, Seth Rogen, helped him through it.  When I went to this movie, I really did not have high expectations.  My thought was that Seth couldn't really be there for a friend going through cancer - right?  Boy, how wrong I was.  It was an absolutely inspirational movie and I gained a whole new respect for Seth.

This Motivational Moment is dedicated to all people who have received the devastating diagnoses of a terminal disease as well as to the friends and family of those people.  It is for the love and strength and hope that overflows during these difficult times.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spread Love Not Hate!

It completely enrages me when I hear about people who spread hate and not love, particularly when the person is a spouse or a family member. Isn't life hard enough without those close to you making it harder?!

A good friend of mine is going through a tough time in his marriage right now.  And when I say tough - it is as bad as it gets with his wife telling him she wants a divorce.  I get divorces.  People are different.  Shit happens.  You grow apart or never should have married in the first place.  But as anyone who is worth their weight in freaking sugar (purposefully NOT saying gold here - because even average Joe should understand this) - it takes TWO to tango.  It is not one person's fault (granted I am not talking extreme cases such as abuse or addictions) when talking about two average, every day people.  I mean freaking relationship 101 is you don't try to change someone - especially going into a marriage.  If you don't like who the person is, well then for Pete's sakes - DON'T MARRY THEM!!  If you do marry them, don't tell them that they need to change while you think you are freaking Princess Perfect (or Prince Perfect).  Because if there is one absolute certainty in this life - it's that NO ONE is perfect!!

Life is hard.  There is death (another certainty) - with so many miserable ways to go (the worst being a slow torturous disease).  There are illnesses and stress and money issues and job issues; the list is endless.  But if the people who are supposed to be our biggest supporters (such as family and friends) end up being our biggest enemies - then I say - free yourself of them!  Life is too short.  You have to be you and enjoy the unique, special gifts that you, and you alone bring to this world!

The people that are supposed to be here to help and support you should do just that!  Which leads me to another thing that enrages me when I hear about it - and that is therapists or psychologists or psychiatrists or any mental health professional who is supposed to be here - in their professional role - to support you and help you get through your troubled times!  When I hear stories of them making people feel bad about themselves or make them think they are crazy - it makes me sick - (that also makes me think that the so-called professionals are crazy and should certainly not be in that role - ruining others' life when they most need help and encouragement!).  I have been to therapists when I have gone through my "crisis panic" years and there are two facts that I can say from my experience.  The first fact is that you need to find the right therapist that fits you.  If your personalities don't mesh, or if they rub you the wrong way; if it doesn't feel right, you need to get the hell out and find the right one for you .  The second fact that I know from my own experience, is that a good therapist makes you feel good about yourself, about who you are.  They give you hope and coping skills.  They make life seem brighter and do-able.  THAT is how a mental health professional should be.  If they make you feel like crap about yourself - get the hell away from them and don't go back to them!  There are good ones out there and there are ones that will mesh with your personality - whatever it is. 

Can you tell I feel strongly about these two topics?!

I just met an amazing man (David Fiala) who is a hands on healer. (Ahh - I so wish he could simply lay his hands on me and say "You are HEALED" but alas - the work must come from within me).  Meeting him was fabulous because he was all positivity and love.  For the first time, someone made me think about having a soul and what that truly meant and that we are here to spread LOVE to one another...NOT hate or negativity.  It was eye opening, anxiety-freeing, and a breath of fresh air.  Here is his website if you are interested: http://thepowerofyourawareness.com/

Lovingly Yours,

Motivational Moment:

For my Motivational Moment - I wanted to post some pictures from my newest favorite website: http://www.magickalgraphics.com/


Sending Love to you all!