with Life’s Little Laughables

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bloom Where You Are Planted

This is one of those quotes that I find very thought provoking.  When looking up the author, there were several that came up - so I will go with St. Francis de Sales (although Mary Engelbreit is known for later making it famous).

How many of us are not happy with what we have or where we are at?  Whether it be what kind of job we have, how much money we have, where we live, we always seem to want more or want different.

Why is it so hard to be happy with where we are/who we are.  Envy and jealousy are such a waste of time; such a shame that they exist, but they exist nonetheless.  It goes right along with 'love the one you're with'.  The problem is that we seem to feel 'the grass is always greener on the other side'.  It always seems like others have it so much better, but they really don't.  It just appears to be so much better because we are not living it.

It's sad that it takes going thru a mid-life crises or reaching a certain age to realize that this is it, so we might as well enjoy it.  Wow!  That statement sounds sad.  Blech!  I want the glamorous life.  I want to live on a beach and walk in the warm sand with the sun shining and a light breeze blowing.  Yum!  I want a fulfilling job that I am passionate about that provides fabulous money while also allowing for an amazing work/life balance.  Want, want, want.  It is soooo easy to want.  The challenge is in the not wanting.  It is learning to enjoy every single day because none of us know how many days we have.  It amazes me how much loss of life we experience around us at the age of 41; and it is the realization that as we age, we will experience the loss of those we know on an exponential level.  So depressing.

This is another one of those times that I would love to do a study and interview all kinds of people, at different stages in their life and ask them if they are happy.  If they are happy, how and why are they happy.  If they are not happy, what do they want (different job, place to live, money, different partner).  I am so curious into how others think and exist.  I know people who, like me, think deeply about life and others who merely exist, without deep thoughts.  I am not saying one is right or wrong, merely that I am aware the difference exists, and that I feel those that think more simply, tend to enjoy life more - but this could be a complete wrong assumption on my part.

Thinking about all this stuff makes me want to seize the day!!  To do what I enjoy; to live life to the fullest.  What a waste not to!  We are here - wherever 'here' is in our lives - who we are with - at what stage of life - doing the typical life stage stuff - but we need to reach out and grab fabulous moments.  We have no idea how long we are here for - it could be taken away in a second.  Or we could get one of the many of horrific diseases that are out there that debilitate us for the rest of our lives.  UGH!  So the challenge is to live life to the fullest.  Grab whatever enjoyment we can.

Thoughtfully Yours,


Motivational Moment:

I figured it would be appropo to end this blog with things that I am thankful for, considering that it is Thanksgiving and all:

First and foremost, I am thankful for my family, who is always with me thru the good and the bad.

I am thankful for my friends, who bring laughter and good times into my life.

I am thankful for massages, which I find to be the ultimate relaxation tool for the stress freak such as myself. 

I am thankful for good movies and good books which provide a wonderful escape from reality.

I am thankful for good health, and a place to live, and being able to provide for my family, and healthy air to breathe and healthy water to drink and food to eat.

I wish you all happiness for who you are and where you are.

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