This post is a shout out to all of the truly calm souls out there! Us highly sensitive and anxious souls TRULY appreciate you. We appreciate your calm waves that you naturally put out that soothe us, not only in times of crises, but even with daily overwhelm that occurs.
I was talking with a friend of mine today and it inspired me to send this quick Thank You out into the world for calm souls. My friend "Lola" is one of these people. She is chill ... calm ... peaceful. Everything my anxious soul would love to be, but was not gifted as genetically.
Lola and I are both currently out of work for different reasons. Lola and her husband moved to a different state to be by their children and grandchildren. I lost my job due to budget cuts.
On a daily basis, Lola is cracking me up with her efforts to find a job - as well as with the variety of jobs she is applying for.
Today, she mentioned she is applying to be a 911 Dispatch Operator. This highlighted the extreme differences in who we are. The thought of me having that job - well - it's actually unimaginable - for all of the obvious reasons of who I am. Every time the phone rang, I would be in a panic over what emergency was on the other end. And then I would be thrown into more of a panic, hearing about the panicky emergency. Lola, on the other hand, is calm down to her soul. She would be able to stay calm and handle the situation appropriately, thus being of great help to the person in need, on the other end of the line.
So this, my friends, is the entire point of this quick little blog today:
From the bottom of my heart, to the depth of my soul, (and any other appropriate analogy you can think of), I am extremely thankful and grateful for all of you calm souls out there! Whether you have jobs in the emergency fields, helping others in their most scary time of need, or if you are simply a calm lifeline to someone in your life, you are all angels here on earth and we love you and appreciate you.
To my dear friend Lola, I thank you for all of the beautiful, soothing calm (as well as all the laughter) you have sent my way throughout our many years of friendship. I wish you the best of luck with your job search and hope it ends with a role that helps others in their times of need. You are the best. Love you.
Gratefully Yours,
Motivational Moment:
In the same theme as today's blog, this is a moment of gratitude for those in our lives that help us through tough times. The world, as a whole, is currently experiencing a scary health crises that we have never had to face before. Social media and the news inundate us constantly, and while I agree it is wise to be educated for the effort of prevention and saving lives, the downside of that is a colossal fear out in the collective population. Since I am no expert by any means, my simple words are what work for me and my anxious soul: take time away from social media and the news, and do things that relax you - such as walks in nature, talking with calm souls or with friends that make you laugh, reading books, dancing, listening to music you love, spending time with your pets, getting a massage, watching movies, etc. The important thing is that you do what works for YOU to relieve stress and allow you to relax - so whatever "that" is - go do more of "that" during these universal times of stress.
Peace, Love, and Hugs,