This blog is a sequel to my Joys of Being Highly Sensitive blog. I think another benefit - a quite enormous benefit - of being Highly Sensitive, is experiencing so much enjoyment out of mere human connections.
The past few weeks have brought several varied occasions to my life and all touched me due to my sensitive nature - for which I feel blessed. Here are a few quick snapshots of these occasions:
- A good friend moved out of state. I will greatly miss spending time with this very calm friend of mine, but I cherish that our paths crossed at work those many years ago. Her going away get together was an evening filled with much laughter and love with a few close girlfriends, which was truly wonderful.
- End of the school year choir and orchestra concerts for my daughters. The proud joy of seeing them grow up into beautiful, intelligent teenagers. Chatting with a few families of their classmates, who we have known for nine years now, and enjoying the friendly camaraderie. Getting an unexpected hug from an acquaintance who knows I've been going through a tough year; the unexpectedness of this thoughtfulness is very appreciated.
- Connecting with a co-worker and then having him share some devastating health news. I was honored that he reached out and so glad that he and I got to know each other on a personal level.
- Having friends who offer support, laughter, kindness, hugs. Making new connections that bring so much love and light into my world.
- Hugs! Being Highly Sensitive, I cannot express enough the re-assuring and life-affirming benefits of hugs. They offer peace to the soul. They give to both parties at the same time. There is so much stress and sadness and tragedy in life. Lean on your fellow beings; we are all sharing the same time on earth for our life's journeys; we all go through stress and hardship. Laughter and love, smiles and hugs, these are what help everyone get through life.
I often get my feelings hurt being Highly Sensitive; I often feel slighted. But Oh Baby - the joy and peace and happiness and exhilaration I get from connecting with others. It is beautiful and I would not trade it for anything in the world.
I originally titled this blog "The Beauty of Human Connections" but then a girlfriend of mine reached out to me this morning telling me her beloved dog had passed away during the night. She made me realize that pets also offer us humans much comfort in our lives. She said it best, "There is nothing in this world that can give you the unconditional love that you get from your dog." What an impactful statement. Dogs are always so thrilled to see their owners when they get home. Always. Day after day, year after year, dogs are always happy to see you - no human relation gives you that. So while my original intent was human connections, I absolutely honor those who have had their lives greatly improved by the relationship with their beloved pets.
Today, I wish you beautiful connections that soothe your soul - whether that be laughing with friends, hugging your loved ones, or chilling with your pets.
After all, we are all human, and as such, we thrive on love.
Sending you all love,
Motivational Moment:
Today's moment is dedicated to my mom, who is such a wonderful grandma to my three daughters. My lovely momma bought my three daughters these orchids for their end of school year concerts. I adore, cherish, and love you momma!
Enjoy beauty and love today, my friends, for we are not promised tomorrow.
Peace, Hugs, and Love,