When you are a child, you always hear adults say how fast life goes, and you roll your eyes thinking about your long school years and the lazy days of summer. And then the next thing you know, you are in mid-life and you realize that your reality is not what you dreamt as a child, and your chances of having that dream job or being that star are not likely, yet you take joy in the fact that you are simply here.
This past weekend was my daughters dance recital. As I sit in the audience, I wistfully think back on the years of my life, of my own dreams of being a professional dancer. And of course there are always songs in the recital that are beautiful, soulful, even somewhat melancholy (that the soloists or ballerinas dance to) that aid in my journey into yesterday.
My sisters and I took dance classes when we were young. As a young girl, you feel like a princess on recital night. You dress up in a beautiful costume, you wear make up and have your hair done. You feel like everyone is there to see you and you are a star. Your life shines in front of you; the sky's the limit.
I watch my girls up there and I am so proud of them and I love seeing the joy that this brings them. Then I also see the daughters of my friend who passed away from ALS this past year. They are growing up into talented, beautiful dancers. And I feel like sobbing for my friend who is missing this as well as for these young girls who are growing up experiencing life without their mom.
None of us know what our life's journey will entail; we don't know what's around the corner for us or our families or friends. All we can do is enjoy the ride as best as we can. Cherish the special, beautiful moments. Relish looking back on a life with wonderful memories and look forward to the journey ahead.
Wistfully Yours,
Motivational Moment:
To my three Princesses, I am so proud of the young ladies you are. Keep dreaming and living life to the fullest.
Also - a shout out to the group of dads (my husband included) who get up there every year for the dads dance. All of your daughters are lucky to have such fun dads - and you always steal the show!
Keep dancing and laughing,