There are many opinions out there that say 'everyone comes into your life for a reason'. And that the people you meet affect you or make their mark on you (ie. you are changed for having met them). This is one of those deep-thoughts moments of mine. Do the people we meet by chance, affect us? Or are they mere strangers who have no lasting relevance? Do they change who we are? Is it meant to be? Is it fate? Or is it simply just another day in your life.
These 'meetings' with people sometimes make me stop and think more deeply about life - kind of the way a really meaningful quote does.
Today's deep thinking comes from a chance encounter with an employee at a local store. I happened to overhear a response to him from his supervisor over the walkie-talkie he was carrying that made me chuckle. Basically the employee had suggested to his boss that he would take his break now, thus saving his boss from having to deal with everyone wanting to go at the same time later. This initiative really pleased his boss, as it was 'the best thing (he) had heard all day'. That comment made me laugh, to which the employee looked at me and said "apparently I am doing well today!". And that's all it took - our conversation was off and running (much to the dismay of my daughters and my husband!). This was not your typical, pleasantry conversation, mind you. This was me learning about the incredibly unfortunate health issues of this young man. He was in his early 20s. He has had Crohns disease since he was a young child. The Crohns apparently has led to (I'm guessing) a rheumatoid arthritis. He has a lot of pain everyday. He has had both knees replaced and needs his shoulder replaced. He has no medical insurance because he is too much of a risk (and the irony of that just pisses me off! People who desperately need it, can't get it, but if you are healthy, they will happily take your money from you for years! I can really go on about the injustice of this, as it truly enrages if the people who are suffering don't have a hard enough life already!!!)
I told this young man that I was very impressed with his bravery and his attitude about getting through this life. I also told him that I have struggled with panic attacks and anxiety since I was 20 and basically fear the type of life he is living (basically being in horrible pain, needing surgeries, etc.) and I am now 41 and other than the last year of my life (when joint pain started - which I am guessing is the start of arthritis) I have lived a darn healthy life for which I am immensely grateful. See - when you have panic - your worries tend you to be drawn to hearing about others' experiences - particularly the negative ones. With panic, you pretty much fear anything medically bad happening to you. I read the best quote about a year ago - it said "Anxiety is fear of one's self" by Wilhelm Stekel. And that is the best way to describe it. I fear anything my body does that I have no control over (ie. sickness, swelling, pain, etc.) I fear my fast heartbeats (will I pass out or just drop dead). I fear my acid reflux (esophageal cancer - of course). I fear debilitating arthritis pain in my joints (pain...speaks for itself). I fear dental work going to the extreme...etc.
So again - back to my musings over meeting this amazing young man. Was it to give me hope? Was it to cause me worry? Was it to wish him the best and make his day a little brighter? Or was it merely just a few minutes of my day with a stranger and nothing more lasting than that? I do not know the answer to these questions. All I do know is that this was an incredibly strong and brave human being, all the more impressive considering his age as well as his difficult life experience thus far. I truly do wish him the best!
In Hopes of Healing,
P.S. Here is yet another serendipitous quote that was sent to my email by Dr. Terry Gordon's daily affirmations:
“Every single being, even those who are hostile to us, is just as afraid of suffering as we are, and seeks happiness in the same way we do. Every person has the same right as we do to be happy and not to suffer. So let's take care of others wholeheartedly, of both our friends and our enemies. This is the basis for true compassion.” ~ The Dalai Lama
My wish for you: have compassion for others and peace within yourself. Be well my friends.